Chapter 84 Just don't feed him noodles

Lyle had been crying.

"He will be fine, don't worry about him." Marcela assured her daughter as she took small steps with her crutches on either side of her armpits. She had improved over the past month, she wasn't fully disabled. Her body had just forgotten how normal functions used to work and it just needed a little reminding of everyday routines.

"I feel horrible." Della said softly.

"You and Andre can't take care of him forever, he needs to eventually come home. I'm really glad Gerald and I settled things.." Marcela said taking a seat in their lavish living room.

"You did?" Della questioned, clearly surprised.

"Yes, he said Lyle could stay with Garreth and I then weekends would be his."

"Wow that's great, I thought he was an unreasonable person."