Chapter 8 Royal Tantrums.

"Love is acceptance. When you love someone . . . . you take them into your heart, and that is surely why it hurts so much when we lose someone we love, because we lose a last of ourselves." ~ Andrew.

Her nails dug deep on his bare back, in need of his attention. He was ferocious. She moaned with ecstasy when he slammed into her without any mercy. They had been going at it for almost thirty minutes, he still couldn't reach his high. She had already reached her climax twice, it didn't feel the same.

"Oh, yes my Prince." She moaned at the feel of their bodies entwined. Her voice turned him off. Her voice irked him beyond anything. He closed his eyes, imagining her sweet face, her bright forest green eyes looking at him as he took her on the grass. Her green eyes harmonized the colour of the green grass and green leafs around them. Her blonde hair sprawled all over the green grass. She gave him a sweet smile, he could feel himself almost reaching his climax just at the thought of her. His large member twitched, just at the thought of her moaning his name. He never allowed anyone else to call him by his name except people close to him.

"Oh Lucia." He moaned.

"What?" The brunette girl asked making him instantly open his eyes.

"You can call me whatever you like my Prince." She smirked trying to bring her lips to his.

"Leave." He said immediately pulling out. He felt guilty, he felt horrible as if he was cheating on someone. He felt dirty he needed to shower. He had been having sex with someone else while Princess Amelia was here and Lucia-

"But you haven't cum-" He immediately cut her off with a frustrated sigh.

"I said leave or would you like to be escorted out ?" He said adamantly. He immediately threw her clothes at her before leaving for the ensuite bathroom. The Prince stayed on the East wing of the palace, The West Wing was his father's personal Space and Elias lived on the South Wing. The Palace had many empty rooms mainly the North Wing where the King had moved all his wife's belongs. Sometimes he would go there just to reminisce...

Once in the shower, he couldn't help but feel more than guilty and worried. What was he thinking? Sex had always relaxed him but not this time. He thought about how beautiful Lucia looked, she was glowing. He intended to take care of his son even if she insisted it was a girl. He wouldn't mind having a little girl running around, she would be as beautiful as her mother. He would spoil her rotten... a wave of sadness suddenly hit him when he thought about how his child would be raised by another man. His child would never acknowledge him as a father. More than anything it broke his heart the fact that she intended to leave with their child. He wouldn't allow it, even if it labeled him selfish.

He couldn't tell his father. He would be beyond disappointed more than anything he feared he would be responsible for Lucia's death. Would she be able to give birth to their child without dying in the process like his mother did ? This was a very hypersensitive subject for him.

"Dinner has been served, your grace." One of the chambermaids informed him.

"I will be on my way." He said quickly getting dressed. It would be a very quiet dinner as always, the only sound would be utensils and clicks of plates as they ate. Princess Amelia was present so that would be interesting, he found her obnoxious. He knew the reason for his father always inviting her was because he wanted him and her to get to know each other. Ever since they were sixteen years old, they both knew they would wed. He was twenty-two. It was way overdue. At first he told his father, he wanted to study so he could better rule the independent city of Acamas. When he returned, Princess Amelia was invited to visit the city once a month for dinner dates with the Prince. They were always interesting. She always allowed him to touch her.

"We are going to get married anyways.. we are already promised to each other." She would say as she seduced the Prince.

He didn't mind, up until the day he met her her. She changed him but he knew he had to stop these secret meetings at the river, he didn't want to hurt her so he stopped going there. He started giving more of his attention to Princess Amelia. He intended to please his father even if it meant he had to wed Princess Amelia.

When he found out about Lucia's pregnancy. A part of him felt happy that they had made something beautiful out of this. A part of him felt sorrowful because they weren't meant to be. Dinner as per usual was quiet, Princess Amelia stole glances from the Prince who had his eyes only set on his plate. Elias couldn't not be there as he had announced he would be having dinner with his fiancée's family.


"Son?" The King said clearing his throat.

"Father?" The Prince replied.

"That young man Khristian is so hard working, his father served and died in our army, his mother was a tutor to yourself and Elias." He paused. The Prince wondered what this was all about. "The least we could do is give him a memorable wedding ceremony. We owe him that at least." The King said thoughtfully. The Prince tensed.

"That's very kind of you, your highness." Princess Amelia said. The Prince always thought his father was kind to everyone but him. He treated everyone with kindness except his own son. It made the Prince feel unbefitting.

"I don't agree-" The Prince said.

"Do you question my orders?" The KING asked not pleased by his sons response.

"We don't owe him anything." Prince Alexius retorted.

"I understand you are still a bit chafed by what his fiancée did." The King replied. "But as The Prince you ought to be there and show gratitude to your people."

"I will not attend that wedding." He said immediately wiping his lips with a napkin as he abruptly left the table leaving Princess Amelia and the King stupefied.

Why would he want to watch someone whom he loves be promised to another?

That's when he realized, he loved her.

He loved Lucia.
