Chapter 12 Royal Pain.

"Eat and drink with your relatives; do business with strangers." ~ Greek Proverb.

"I'm trying to be civil with you." Prince Alexius said in a dull tone. They were having breakfast, luckily The Prince had arrived at the huge table earlier than everyone else, he couldn't sleep especially with his fiancée's brunette hair in his face. They weren't allowed to sleep in the same rooms as yet but Princess Amelia was as stubborn as mule, she wanted cling onto him every chance she got. Princess Amelia was what the Prince called pig headed. He was trying to see the best of this situation, he had taken Princess Amelia to the palace beautiful gardens. He thought getting to know the woman whom he would marry was a good idea but he lost interest as soon as she started blabbering about her pet chihuahua whom she missed dearly and two older brothers and her mother the Queen of France as well as her father who passed away when she was nine. For a moment he felt pity for her but all he could think about was comparing the way she talked to Lucia. Princess Amelia had everything except that passion and light that Lucia had. Lucia always smiled bright when he told her something to assure him she was listening. Princess Amelia carried on and on talking about herself and France.

"I am being civil with you as well, my Prince.." Kyra said as the maid dished up for her, something she was used to because Lucia used to dish up for her back home. "For my fiancé's sake." She added taking a bite of her half done egg. The Prince immediately rolled his eyes, he was itching to ask her about her cousin but he decided against it so they ate in silence. Soon enough, Elias had joined the table as well as Princess Amelia. The King had gone to France a few days back pertaining the matrimony between the two royal families. Kyra seemed to want to avoid Princess Amelia even though Amelia thought they would be good friends since they loved practically royal brothers and were soon to wed the two royal brutes.

"I have to be on my way, my love." Kyra excused herself to her fiancée who seemed concerned.

"You are part of the royal family now, you need to go with guards. Who knows what harm those people may do to you!" Elias insisted. Prince Alexius looked at them bickering, making up and it annoyed him to the bitter end. Whenever they did so, Princess Amelia would move over right next to him for attention like a love sick puppy.

"That's fine, I just need to go see my mom. Check on the newly wedded couple-" She said shooting the Prince a glare.

"Everyone seems to be getting married." Prince Alexius said zealously thinking that it was some ordinary person from the village.

"Uh Lucia isn't everyone now is she?" Kyra smirked watching as the Prince almost choked on his grape juice.

"That's ludicrous." He chuckled. "Father and I were suppose to be invited to that wedding you see-"

"My mother said they eloped." Kyra shrugged her shoulders.

"We should congratulate them, do you mind if I come ? My mother always says being good to civilians means them being good to you and therefore avoiding a revolution." Princess Amelia joined in the conversation. Elias, Kyra and The Prince looked at her as if she had grown two heads.

"Kyra you can't be serious ?" The Prince stood up his eyes pleading for her to say this was some kind of joke. He entirely ignored his soon to be Queen.

"Cousin, you should let it sink in." Elias added. "We all need to move on." He had a feeling Alexius would cause a scene.

"Lucia is married." He repeated making the Princess suspicious. "Who is Lucia?" She asked.

"Shut up Amelia." The Prince said splenetic. He didn't even add her royal respect title, he was angry and hurt. Princess Amelia flinched in her seat before excusing herself and leaving the royal dining hall immediately.

"I need to have a word with Lucia." He said dominantly. "Guards!" He yelled.

"Alex, leave the poor girl alone." Elias wearied, clearly tired of this back and fourth game. If his cousin said he would cut ties then he should stick to his word.

"Don't you dare, Elias. Don't you dare tell me what I can and cannot do. Lucia belongs to me and we both know it. She is carrying my child." He almost yelled but he didn't want to give the servants something to gossip about.

"You sound like a mad man, stop obsessing over someone's wife." Kyra chortled enjoying seeing the site of the Prince enraged.

"She wasn't anyone's wife when I took her on that damn riverbank, she wasn't anyone's damn wife when we did unforgettable things-" He said the last part almost as a whisper.

"But now she is so stay away, Uncle will not like this." Elias reasoned.

"Maybe I should marry Kyra while she is carrying your child so you know how to sympathize with me." Prince Alexius said rudely throwing his arms in all directions from frustration.

"You made your bed by denying her now it's time to lie on it." Elias replied feeling bad for his cousin. The Prince paced around the Mable titles, he dramatically unbuttoned the first the three buttons of his shirt. He couldn't breathe, he started hyperventilating, he threw his blazer on the Mable tiles. He grabbed a glass of water and his hands furiously shacked resulting in him breaking a glass. He commanded one of the servants to open the six ft windows open. Kyra and Elias watched him with fear of not knowing what he would do next. He unbuttoned the rest of his dress shirt, sweat was visible on his forehead, his eyes looked bloodshot even though he had not even had anything strong to drink. He was breathing heavily, he knelt down on the floor.

"Sire are you well?" His Butler asked.

"I'M FINE, I'M JUST FUCKING FI-FI-FI-" He yelled but shortly ran out of breath.

"LUCIA." He yelled tears right below his sapphire orbs. He pulled the long table cloth bringing all the ceramic plates to come crushing with the tiled Mable floor. The sounds of the curtilary falling-

"I DEMAND LUCIA'S PRESENCE RIGHT NOW !!" He yelled his neck vein popping out.

"Kill Khristian." He said.

"Alexius you are stepping over boundaries now." Elias said.

"I WANT HIM DEAD, I WANT HIM BANISHED, I DON'T WANT HIM HERE-" He threw more ceramic plates.

He continued to throw wine glasses across the room. His white shirt was now smeared with drops of juice and all the food that had gone wasted straight to the ground.

"Sire, you need to calm down. You will have another asthma attack." The Butler said rubbing circles on his back.

"Okay." He said softly standing up only to collapse on the floor with a thud.

"His episodes are back." One of the maids whispered to the other. Kyra looked worried, this was not what she had in mind when she thought of playing with him mind games.

"Call the palace doctor." Two other chambermaids yelled for help.

"Don't worry, he will be okay." Elias said assuring his fiancée. "He hasn't had one ever since he was thirteen when he found out his mother died while giving birth to him and not due to cancer like his father had told him for years, avoiding the guilt."

"God! this is horrible." Kyra facepalmed as she watched the royal guards lift him delicately out of the dining hall.

"He has a lot of anxiety, paranoia, Alexius is a mess." Elias said clearly not surprised. "Your cousin must really mean a lot to him, if it made him this way in just two seconds of hearing about her marriage."

"He is in love with her." Kyra said thoughtfully.

"Should we let the King know?" The Butler asked as the other maids cleaned up.

"Uhm no, hopefully by the time the King returns. He will be in his right mind." Elias instructed.

"As you wish." The Butler bowed before leaving.

"I was so scared." Kyra said hugging Elias with all her might.

"He is no harm, he is just in love and he has never been in love or let's say heartbroken." He paused. "People have different ways of dealing with pain."

Some get married like Lucia.

Some destroy things like Alexius.