Chapter 24 Royal Sources.

"Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is growing up." ~ James A. Baldwin.

"Have you thought of any names?" Khristian's mother asked Lucia whose mind was not even present in the conversation they were having.

"Lucia?" She called softly bringing Lucia out of her thoughts. "Yes." Lucia replied.

"Theodore, if it's a boy. Krysanthe if it's a girl." Lucia smiled thinking about Alexius.

"They are both beautiful, Khris will be happy to know you might name your baby girl Krysanthe after him." The lady with Auburn hair smiled softly. Lucia was taken aback, it wasn't even her first thought... infact Alexius is the one who had chosen these names. Krysanthe really resembled the name Khristian? how weird she shook off the thoughts.

"Uh, yes." She nodded not really sure what to say.