Chapter 30 Royal catastrophe.

"The most wasted of days is one without laughter." ~ E. E Cummings.

"It saddens me beyond any doubt to stand before you here addressing this issue." The King sighed looking at all the thousands of eyes that stared at him expectedly.

"My son Prince Alexius Nikoloudis the second and his fiancée Lucia Andreou were blessed with beautiful two little boys just before dawn yesterday." The crowd gasped, as whispers spread like wild fire. The King was not in support of children being born out of wedlock therefore he had today Gregory to include in his speech that they were engaged. He had to lead by example for his people.

"As you know Acamas has had several feuds with Greece and therefore or first thought was protecting his soon to be wife and unborn children. Which leads to the explanation why no one had been informed-" People in the crowd nodded and whispers audible.