Chapter 39 Royal karma.

"When the stomach is full, it is easy to talk of fasting." ~ Saint Jerome.

Sometimes, or rather most times things don't always turn out the way we want want them to. As much as we want something, reality always seems to close one's doors or become insolvent. Prince Alexius was thinking thoughtfully of the new reality that had just sat in. He couldn't look at Lucia the same way... it was difficult.

"Alexius!" Someone called Prince Alexius for the fifth time. He turned to look back with his eyes bright red.

"Yes ?" He questioned sadly clearing out his thoughts.

"I'm willing to help you look for my grandchildren." King Demetre walked over to the guest room where Prince Alexius sat near the window looking at the beautiful aesthetic Victorian designed buildings.

"Even with the circumstances that have just occurred." He added. Prince Alexius had not said a word. It was all too much to take in.