Chapter 21. Truth be told

I took a moment to consider if I was embarrassing myself or Noah. Everyone was looking at me like I had asked for both of their kidneys.

But, then, I realized,?what the heck??Noah had done the same thing with me and Zain, and he had done it with confidence, then, why couldn't I do it?!

Yup, I had to do whatever I had to do.

The silence was broken by heavy footsteps of the one and only Will, the asshat.

If looks could kill, I would have been six feet under long ago. But, even princes had only so much power.

"Who invited you and your maniac friends?" Will finally roared.

I didn't even need to open my mouth to answer. Sophia appeared behind him, tapping on his shoulder. Will turned around and was shoved backwards when Sophia stuck the invitation card to his face.

"See this, asshat," Sophia smirked, "this is a premium invitation which allows entry for ten people. Be grateful Chloe brought only three of us."