
Chapter 18

Kisten's POV

"Elizabeth!" My fists slammed against the door, and it sounded like the wood was starting to splinter. No wonder, when I'd been pounding on the door for several minutes, leaving little spots of blood on the wood as I beat my hands raw and screamed my voice hoarse."Elizabeth! God damn it, Elizabeth, I know you're in there! Let me in!"

Clint stepped up next to me, adding his voice to mine."Come on, Elizabeth, please. We just need… Kisten just needs to talk to him, just for a little bit. I swear to god, Elizabeth, we're not going to hurt him!"

The door flew open, and Clint fell back as Elizabeth punched him in the face."Holy shit," I said, wide-eyed, and the petite auburn haired girl stood with her chest heaving and her eyes wild.