It was official- the host club boys and girl were high school graduates, taking their first steps out of high school and into the rest of their lives. But before that could start, they had one last high school event to attend to: the host club graduation ball.
Nova surveyed Aaron in the mirror, still trying to get past her shock. She may have known more of the host club's secrets than anybody else, but even she hadn't been privy to their most carefully guarded prize. But when Aaron came to her, and asked her to find a dress for the ball, the truth had been revealed to her- and it would be revealed to everybody else when Aaron came out in a beautiful dress, with the man she loved on her arm.
"You really look beautiful, Aaron," Nova said, an almost worshipping note in her voice.
Aaron smiled softly, turning to hug the girl. "It's all thanks to you," she spoke into the girl's neck, "Thank you, so much."