He woke up in an empty plane, his heart did a million flips in his chest as he looked outside and found nobody in plain sight.
"Fucking bitches!" he muttered and ran out of the plane. He looked around until he saw the familiar blue hair in the distance.
"Hey! Where the fuck do you think you're going?" He yelled, waving his hands in the air. Scarlett and Blue glanced at him before they continued their chat. He stepped down and because he wasn't watching where he was going, he stumbled over Natalie's foot. As he dropped to the floor he found Natalie and Rey laying under the plane like they were sunbathing.
"I was wondering how much longer you were going to take in La-la-land" Rey muttered before standing up and Natalie followed suite.
His eyes rested on Rey's firm and round ass as she walked. Like two twin planets, he thought to himself.
"We are on an island where you will be staying until…further notice" Rey said
"Or until you get killed" Natalie added, causing him to shiver.
"Yeah…or that" He couldn't tell if they were teasing or not but from the lack of emotion in their voices, he knew better.
"You will not be allowed access to the a phone or the internet" Rey informed him again.
"And you will most certainly have to remain celibate…but we have Vaseline and you have your hand" Blue said, only a few steps away from them now. They laughed at his expense causing him to turn red with anger and embarrassment but he knew better than to let his anger spill.
"Mind your business and do not poke your nose into ours…or at least mine" Rey turned and he now noticed how small her waist was.
They stopped in front of a car very similar to the rover however this one was an army green. Scar sat in the driver's seat, Rey sat next to him and he was kept in the middle of two women who would probably maul him to death if they could.
"Where is my luggage?" He asked rudely and nobody answered. He was just about to ask again when Blue answered.
"While you were busy –sleeping, might I add- someone had to get your luggage. Now how about you keep your mouth shut or I do it for you?" Her brown eyes held no lies. She wasn't fucking around.
Two hours later, they were still driving and it was sky was dark. He glanced at the gold watch on his wrist and almost groaned at the time. Two-forty five.
An hour later, they stopped and he could barely see anything. He could swear they were about to kill him. His hands shook and Blue jumped out of the car, a few minutes later he could see the humongous house. It was brightened around every area and it blended relatively well with the forest.
"Fuck out and get your bag. Ain't nobody carrying it for you" Blue muttered with a strange annoyance and he nodded, quickly stepping out of the car. His suitcase was thrown in his face and he fell to the ground with the heavy box on his face while Scar laughed mockingly. Blue kicked his legs as she walked past him, into the house
"Fuck" He groaned and stood up, Natalie walked past him and Rey did the same. Common sense told him to follow and he did, the extremely tall gates slowly closing behind him.
The large house was unbelievably very homey, he thought to himself as his eyes caught sight of the fur rug in the living room. There were a few African accessories and the pillows on the floor were wrapped in an African clothing material. They all disappeared into various places, leaving him to figure out just what he was going to do with his suitcase.
He stood by the door, feeling like an intruder until Scar passed by him in nothing but a sports bra and a pair of shorts that did not cover her ass cheeks
"Follow me, I'll show you to your room" she muttered like she was forced to and he nodded, dragging his suitcase behind him and carried as they began to climb a flight of stairs. He counted six different doors on the upstairs with his room in the far corner.
"You are not allowed in any of the rooms up here except yours" she muttered and kicked the door. On cue, Blue stepped out dressed in a short night dress that exposed her cleavage.
"Did you tell him to keep out?" Blue asked with a scowl on her face and Scar hummed loudly. Strangely, Eric could not wait to see Rey in her own nightdress.
'Maybe she sleeps naked?' he thought to himself before Scarlett walked away.
He kicked the door and stepped into the room, dropping his bag next to the bed which still has a transparent covering over it. The room was nothing like his the room in the Whitehouse but he knew he didn't have a choice. He was just about to pull off his shirt when music blasted through the house, causing him to groan.
He shrugged off his suit and grabbed his toiletries before walking to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and stood under the showerhead of the new bathroom as the water pelted his skin. All thoughts of his enemies filled his brain and somehow, somewhere within him, he felt like the end of this wouldn't be pretty.
He could feel it in his gut…or maybe it was just hunger. On cue, his stomach roared in anger as he turned off the shower and stepped out, the sound of the music intensifying. This wasn't the kind of music he liked, he was more of a soul music kind of person –at least that's what he believed.