Chapter 226

Xue covered his face with his palm. "There you go again, stop talking--"

"--how blind are they to their hatred to not see your efforts, My Lord? Here you are, pouring your entire life into repairing the damage that had accumulated over thousands of years, and the angels and demons are only destroying it further. It upsets me that they are unable to see your magnanimous--"

All of them, except K'xug, raised their eyebrows at Xue.

K'xug smiled in amusement. This wasn't his first time experiencing this situation, and he never got tired of it.

Xue disregarded their questioning stares, an awkward expression on his face. He stormed towards Haru, and Haru staggered back in alarm.


He began to drag Haru over, forcing him to stand in front of Raz.

Haru gave Xue a bewildered look.

"You are the Supreme God, aren't you?" Xue gestured to Raz. "It's your cue."

Haru blinked for a moment and he recalled the moment he arrogantly proclaimed himself to be the Supreme God.