Chapter 30 After playing hide my sausage

"If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular ?" - Unknown author.

Angelo Le roux.

"May I know why my groom is drowning his sorrows in my hotel room at eleven pm." Brad asked in an amused tone. It sounded like an easy question with probably an easy answer but I didn't know what to say...

I would rather be here than at home with Yaya whining about the colors of the wedding theme.

"As the best man, I know there is something wrong. Are you having cold feet because that's perfectly normal." He chuckled lightly.

"Really ?" I furrowed my eyebrows adding more whiskey to my glass.

"Yes it's perfectly normal to feel like you can't do it anymore." He spoke with confidence sitting beside me.

"How would you know ? you've never been married before." I concluded taking a gulp of the bitter feeling of Hennessy.

"Oh shoot me for trying to sound smart." He rolled his eyes.

"Tell me something Angelo ?" He asked and I looked at him. He honestly looked concerned.