
Title: The Four Powerful Element

Genre: Fantasy, Teen Fiction

Francene Ilesha Rayne Illite (FIRE)

AGE: 18


Pyrokinesis - create, control and manipulate also generate fire, flame and heat.

Atmokinesis - control and manipulate the weather by mixing water, ice, fire, earth, air, and lightning/electricity.

Fire Breath - breathe out flames.

Fire Mimicry - have a body made up of fire.

Geo-Thermokinesis - manipulate lava, magma and volcanoes.

Heliokinesis - manipulate and control the sun and sunlight.

Dark Fire Manipulation - Generate and control flames of destruction.

Hell-Fire Manipulation - Generate and control flames of hell.

Holy Fire Manipulation - Generate and control flames of Heaven.

Inflammation - burn things.

Melting - heat molecules to melt things.

Plasmakinesis - can control plasma.

Pyromancy- Divination via fire.

Pyrotechnics - create fireworks.

Self-Detonation - explode self and reform.

Thermokinesis - create, control and manipulate heat.

Pyroportation - teleport or move though fire.

PERSONALITY: Palaban sa lahat ng bagay.


Windy Indiana Naseun Dou (WIND)

AGE: 18


Aerokinesis - manipulate the air, wind, and gas.

Aeroportation - teleport using air/wind currents.

Air Mimicry - transform into a cloud of gas, fog, or mist.

Atmokinesis - manipulate the weather by mixing water, ice, fire, earth, air, and lightning/electricity.

Deoxygenation - suck up all the oxygen from a place.

Lung Adaptation - breathe anywhere.

Wind Generation - create blasts of wind.

Air Generation - create or generate blasts of air.

Aeromancy - Divination via air/wind currents.

Nubikinesis - manipulate clouds.

Pure Wind/Air Manipulation - create and control pure winds.

Dark Wind/Air Manipulation - create and control corrupted winds.

Flight - have the ability to fly at will.

Levitation - the ability to make anything rise up in the air and move around under your control.

PERSONALITY: Matalino, suplada at mahangin


Wayne Anne Trix Eira Razel (WATER)

AGE: 18


Hydrokinesis - manipulate and control liquid water and mold it into any desired shape or form.

Aquatic Adaptation - adapted to underwater living.

Aquatic Respiration - breathe underwater.

Atmokinesis - control and manipulate the various aspects of the weather by mixing water, ice, fire, earth, air, and lightning/electricity.

Dehydration - absorb water.

Hydroportation - teleport across short or long distances through liquid water.

Hydromancy - Divination via water.

Water Mimicry - turn into liquid water.

Water Generation - generate water.

Holy Water Manipulation - create, manipulate and control graceful waters.

Dark Water Manipulation - create, manipulate and control evil and dangerous waters.

PERSONALITY: Maamo, maahinahon at napakaunawain.


Leigh Allison Natsu Dy (LAND)

AGE: 17


Geokinesis - control, manipulate, create, generate and reshape or shape earth/rocks/stones

Earth Mimicry - have a body made up of earth or earthen substance

Agrokinesis - manipulate plants at will.

Atmokinesis - control and manipulate the weather by mixing water, ice, fire, earth, air, and lightning/electricity.

Crystallokinesis - manipulate minerals and crystals.

Ferrokinesis - manipulate metal at will.

Geo-Thermokinesis - manipulate, control, and create lava, magma and volcanoes.

Golem Creation - make golems out of inanimate materials like rocks, wood, plants, magma, etc.

Granulation - can turn things into sand.

Geomancy-- Divination via earth and earth-based minerals.

Halokinesis - control and manipulate salt.

Hyalokinesis - control and manipulate glass.

Koniokinesis - manipulate and control dust particles.

Plassikinesis - manipulate and control all forms of plastic.

Psammokinesis - can control and manipulate sand.

Terrakinesis - control, manipulate and alter/reshape the surrounding terrain and landscape at will.

Terraportation - teleport via the earth and earth-based materials.

Pure Earth Manipulation - Create, manipulate and control pure and good earth minerals.

Black Earth Manipulation - Create, manipulate and control corrupted and evil earth minerals.

PERSONALITY: Maalaga sa kalikasan at malapit sa mga hayop.