' In any case, Attraction is but an introduction to the first great danger of the apprentice : Absorption and Purification. Those two steps are inseparable and a result from the fact that the energy as it is in the Magical Flow is highly toxic for the sentient body. Most parts of our bodies are not meant to contain energy, we only have one dedicated organ for it and attempting to put it anywhere else is very dangerous, as many apprentices painfully discover. The consequences of such a mistake can be minor, like a large burn mark on a body part, or a fracture, but it can even be deadly in some cases. Added to the physical injuries, many apprentices lose their ability to feel the Magical Flow. That is why those two steps are quite feared by the young mage, even if the danger decreases as they get used to the process. Anyway in themselves, Absorption and Purification are very self-explanatory : it is about identifying specific energies, like fire, and containing it in a sort of impervious bubble, only to then try absorbing it into one's body. As long as the bubble stays in place, no harm will be done. Next will be to temporarily store said bubble at a place in the body, the appendix, and to change it, to purify the energy in a way that would make it harmless when the grip over the bubble is released. At last, when this purification is over, the energy partly disperses outside the body, the majority of which stays in the appendix. As much as the Absorption is a clear step while still requiring great precision, Purification is way blurrier, notably because of the fact that variations will appear depending on the form of energy that is being cultivated. True enough, some sages and scholars have taken notice during their own Cultivation that the elements they remove from a specific form of energy are the same as the ones kept for others. Multiple conjectures have been expressed as a result, the most commonly accepted one being that, naturally, every energy mingle in the Magical Flow, mixing, until a mage extracts some, taking in unwanted elements in the process. Said elements are not inherently bad, but a violent reaction occurs since they actually are inside an energy they do not belong to. '
"Fascinating.", thought Enora. The moment she began reading, she got this weird feeling of understanding, like something she always knew had just hit her. But at the same time, this understanding was not conscious at all, because she did not know what it was. It made sense in her head. The word 'Force' came to her mind too, but she quickly discarded it as yet another useless thought of her past self.
The concepts approached in this red booklet were as wild as it could get. Rose was right to call it fiction, but Enora felt something more. She could feel it bubbling inside her, a mix of curiosity and fascination, like the first few moments of a birthing passion. The text gave details about the process called 'Cultivation', as well as some drawings to illustrate it. It looked like a school manual. Would she try to follow the steps ? Maybe, but not immediately, as the group had just begun a new day of forced walk. Still, she could not get those ideas out of her head. It swirled like a tornado, dizzying her at every corner, making her forget about her duty and environment. She quickly regretted it.
As she was walking on the right side of the group, a beastly sound echoed right in a dark passage that they had chosen to ignore, being too exiguous. That sound evaporated around her ear, refused entrance to her mind as she drowned in her thoughts.
That is when the howls resounded, immediately followed by a fast but soft gallop on the grey stones, until a small group of shadows hit the humans. Growling and barking, crying and screaming, and blood. The other fighters around Enora took action immediately, Theo first as he was assigned to the middle of the group like her. The carriers only inccured a few injuries before the fight began. A surprisingly short but complicated fight, as the enemy was new.
Four-legged creatures, more animal than the Grey Devils, with muscular legs ending in razor-sharp claws. Monstrous snouts oozing viscous and stinking white liquid, thick like pus. Its smell was akin to snorting a purulent wound. Enormous maws filled with long fangs and three dangerous tongues. Yes dangerous, as some quickly discovered : if those things managed to lick someone, that someone would have their skin and part of their flesh peeled off. Rough tongues. However, the most unsettling part of these beasts came from the fact that they looked like patchwork. They had thick legs, a short neck, small holes for ears, dead shiny eyes, and a naked tail, all randomly covered with fur and scale.
Of course, the fighters panicked a bit, and of course, heavy injuries were received as the fast and unpredictable enemy struck relentlessly, but of course the humans won. Because numbers and a good enough defensive line were the perfect counter to the enemy's combat style. Countering beastly instincts with order and discipline, as amateurish as those may be.
After the fight, the carriers were even more willing to help out and accept the rules, as they saw everything this time. The thrusts and slashes and bashes, the blood and flesh and bones. It made them even more afraid and depressed than they already were. Understandably afraid since everything that was not human seemed to want to consume them, and depressed because this desperate escape had the constant dark grey colour of boredom. When they were not attacked at least.
Enora felt very ashamed of herself for letting her guard down, yet nobody said anything, as they did not notice it themselves before the danger fell upon the group. Arsenio was furious though, and took both sentries, Enora and Theo, away from the others to stare at them with bloodshot eyes. Even though he was angry, she knew the whispers from Haughty made his mood way worse. 'Haughty' was the only name the tall warrior accepted to call that proper looking leech, as she did not carry the group's resources and still gave orders.
- What the fucking hell happened ? I asked you to guard the middle because you are my left and right hands, but god damnit would I do a better job from the fucking front of the group !
With this discrete shout, he conveyed his feelings and failed in its hiding. Most people heard it, sighing a bit. Some would probably bear a grudge against Enora and Theo as they were surprised while being the first ones that should not have been. However, they reacted very differently to this criticism. Theo looked disappointed in himself, quite angry even for his total failure, while Enora did not actually care about the others. Sure, she empathised with their suffering but did not entirely consider it her fault. She did get distracted by parasitic thoughts, and THAT was her real shame, her extreme shame at failing at her duty, but not at the consequences of such carelessness. The results of this distraction were not a concern of hers. To her, as useful as the carriers were, they should at least have the reflex to defend themselves when push came to shove. They did not, and that would be a lesson they should learn from.