(Nick) Okay, it's getting annoying now !
(Rose) What ?
(Nick) The constant nagging of the other one. You got to calm down a bit now ! You said to not overthink it, and now you are angry that I looked at Rose that way ? Consistency for god's sake !
(Enora) I did not overthink it either, but it does not mean jumping at everything around ! And it's not about the thoughts, but the subject of it !
(Nick) What about it ? It was only a bit of fantasy that never came to life ! What was I supposed to do ? Force myself not to feel something before feeling it ? And now might be the right time to say it : Rose is not a kid, she is an adult, so there is nothing wrong with my thoughts. Look we're going to have to train into the separation thing …
The 'separation thing' was a theory from the author of the books that consisted of getting into a state of mind where the sharing was interrupted. With practice, it could apparently allow some alone time. But it was difficult to tell the actual process for such a thing. For two days, they had shared everything, every thought and feeling and dream, and they all felt mentally tired to different degrees. They thought that taking back their intimacy, even for a few hours, would have done them a lot of good.
(Enora) The author is not particularly sure of anything about that. It was already quite confused when it came to the creation of the Nexus …
(Rose) Look, let's just try this : since everything is shared through the energy in the tubes, why not interrupt the Fake Flow ? Maybe it will work that way.
(Nick) I'm down.
Clearly, they all wanted to retake some privacy from this event, even for a short time, but they also felt quite stupid about it. After all, they put themselves into that situation knowing full well the consequences. Or at least they knew enough. Rose's self scolding was quickly communicated to the other two, who understood perfectly how true it was.
(Enora) Anyway, here we go.
All at the same time, they began inverting the Fake Flow, slowly taking away their energy from the tubes. Little by little, the feelings and stray thoughts disappeared from their respective minds, leaving each of them to their mental loneliness. A surprised gasp came out of Rose's mouth as she observed her companions.
- I can't hear your thoughts anymore., she whispered.
- Me neither., added Nick.
(Enora) But we can still talk like that.
- What ?, said the man with a frown. How is that possible ?
(Rose) Well, the Nexus is still here, and not all the energy left, meaning we can still talk through telepathy, only sharing what we want.
(Nick) The author said we needed experience to reach that point, was he talking out of his ass ?
(Enora) He probably never tried the Nexus himself. It was only a theory to him.
(Nick) Fuck me … well, at least I'll get some peace now.
He was, of course, talking about how Enora had been unable to keep her thoughts from criticizing him the whole time until then, creating arguments every hour or so. Even Rose got annoyed by those two, and, being the subject of most of these heated discussions, she decided it was a good time to clear things out. Out loud.
- Listen to me you two, you have been getting on my nerves by the minute for these last few days, and maybe it's time I tell you this : I don't care. I don't care that Nick wants to get in my pants, and I don't care about any protection Enora might want to offer. I'm a big girl, I've had boyfriends before, and I've killed monsters regularly, I don't need to be looked after like some kind of puppy.
- You know I don't see you like that … anymore., mumbled Enora.
- Don't care !, the youthful woman continued. Look, it's obvious Nick felt that way because he hadn't seen a woman for some time back then, and you even spent nights together, so what are you really bickering about ?
The other two were tongue-tied. In fact, they had forgotten the reason why they really argued, only leaving behind a feeling of annoyance. They had been at odds with each other constantly for several days, in mind and body, to the point where they could not say for sure what irritated each other so much. After all, Enora had more or less accepted Nick's apology. In the end, they seemed to be doing it because the Nexus of Minds made them feel lost.
- You're confused, and pouncing at each other is a sort of stress relief. But there are three of us in this mind link, and the third is fed up with your childish behaviours ! If you really need to release some steam, just go a dozen meters away and fuck !
Enora looked to the ground with guilty eyes while Nick avoided Rose's gaze. They both realised their mistake, and it was humiliating to be shown this silliness by such a young-looking woman. At least Rose guessed. The 'fuck' part may have been even more embarrassing.
- I'm not trying to be a bitch here, but we are in a dangerous environment, and all you guys have been thinking about for days has been useless bullshit., the blond said in a soft voice. Pull yourselves together, please.
Clearly, they needed some time to ponder over this whole event. To make things a little easier, they began travelling again, focusing on their surrounding and the possible dangers lurking. They had not left the giant cave filled with this weird looking forest yet, as it was absolutely immense. Grey trees and orange leaves, keeping them from seeing further than thirty meters, hiding the ceiling. In fact, the forest was really dark, as the bright openings of blue light had a hard time getting through the canopy. Barely any sound or wind either, still vegetation inside a dark cave. And even after days of travel, nothing changed, always the forest at their left, always the river at their right, always nothing.