Chapter 57.

(Nick) I had not thought about it …

(Rose) Me neither.

(Enora) Doesn't matter, as long as we're fine with it, right ?

They had become so comfortable with being together all the time that the three of them did not even consider taking multiple rooms : it felt logical to sleep close. Yet, that remark from Ischyra made them face how weird their behaviour could look like to 'normal' people. At least it seemed weird considering the barmaid's reaction.

However, what took over their minds surprised them even more, as Nick got 'worked up' by the idea of sleeping in the same bed. Some more embarrassment was felt from him, but it was not a new occurrence or anything. After all, they had shared intimacy several times, even if not always on purpose. Enora and Nick had the reflex to try and hide from Rose, while she could only giggle like crazy at their reactions : they could struggle as much as they wanted, the Nexus of Minds would still betray them when at its maximum power.

Finally throwing away any shame or embarrassment, the two older mages seized the bed while Rose sat on the carpet, at the coffee table, in front of the warm fireplace. Facing that way, she could pretend not knowing what was happening behind her, which did not help anymore as they all knew everything. No matter, the situation called for immediate intervention.

Relaxing at the fire, the trio contemplated their circumstances : they were safe, in a warm environment, with food available and possibly many exciting things to discover in the city. It was strange not to be in a hurry, not to have to move quickly and be ready for a fight at every second. How did they manage to improve their lives to such an extent so quickly ? They were impressed by their own feat ! However, danger was not totally erased. Apparently, the very link that made them so strong was also a potential threat, as a certain someone said.

Remembering this, Nick, Enora and Rose thought of the advice from the barmaid : disconnecting while sleeping. The prospect of losing their personalities completely, becoming nothing but a trio of empty shells, was quite scary. In fact, it made them reconsider their choice. Of course, they could not change their minds since the Nexus was already built, and nothing would revert that. They knew they had to be careful, at least. And considering how light their sleep was, disconnecting during the night was not that crippling to their safety.

(Nick) We'll have to do it. Don't want to wake up half-dead from the Nexus.

(Rose) Agreed. Enora ?

(Enora) Fine ! We'll follow that woman's words …

Smiling lightly at that cuter-than-intended reaction, Rose changed the subject :

(Rose) Now that we are here let's visit the city a bit. How was it called ? Sephayis ?

(Nick) Yeah, Sephayis. Cool name. We also need to be wary of our finances : we only have a few dozen gold nuggets and a hundred or so silver.

(Enora) Maybe we can find some work. Technically we are mages so there must be something we can do.

Those words rang true in their heads, making them take action. Like before, they left a locked room, only taking with them their lighter weapons. Well, it only meant that Nick did not take his cumbersome dark silver spear really. It would not be proper to carry that in the streets. Finally outside, they breathed the breeze, looking around curiously at the many people going about their business, humans and others.

Where to begin with ? Their first instinct was to find someone from the militia, as it was a guard that took care of bringing them to safety. If they did so, there must have been a reason. Maybe the group was expected to give a hand in some matters. Soon enough, they found a member of said militia, the boiled leather cuirass and helmet seemingly acting as a uniform. Enora took the lead.

- Hello, we are Otherworlders that just arrived from the nearest Trial, and one of you people brought us here. Is there a reason for it ? He said we should be 'welcomed'.

That guard was not human : she looked feline. She did not possess paws or anything like that, but her eyes were cat-like, and she had a soft and short fawn fur all over her body. And a fluffy thin tail wiggling in her back too. However, her features were a bit rough, not very pretty. Maybe it was only her, maybe the whole race looked like that, the trio did not know. In any case, apart from the fur, eyes and tail, she looked very similar to humans. Hearing their question, the guard smiled gently and said on an friendly tone :

- You are Otherworlders ? Impressive of you to survive ! I empathize with you completely, as my race too had joined the Conjunction only a few decades ago. The Karthyras be praised !

- The … 'Kathyras' ?, hesitantly asked the tall woman.

- The portals., was the answer. My people have developed a sort of reverence towards them, as it greatly improved the lives of our entire race. I'm Simmis, by the way.

They kept walking as the guard told them about how, since joining the Conjunction, her people, the Laelis, had been increasing their personal and global strength. Before that, their entire world was plagued by disease and political unrest, with many murders in the name of peace or justice. It was not rare for leaders to get to power only to die the following week by the hand of a minister. Even worse, the nations of her world were so weakened that some obscure cult appeared, claiming the end of the Laeli society was near and inevitable. The number of people joining that new religion was embarrassingly high, to the point where the followers could actually take over cities. And they did, killing people in massive quantities. Then the Kathyras appeared, testing them and accepting their race. After decades, the Laeli world was partly healed and back on track. The cult still existed and tried to disturb the newfound peace from time to time, but its momentum was broken.

(Rose) Seems like in their world the portals made things way better. You could even say that it saved their whole race.

(Nick) Who knows ? Maybe they would have prevailed, maybe not. What matters is that the Laelis are people almost as new to the Conjunction as us. They can serve as an example of how things can go.

(Enora) Doesn't mean it will go the same way for 'Earth'. If you listen closely, it seems that the Laelis are quite behind us in terms of technology.

(Rose) In other words : let's be careful, as always.


Chapter's Glossary

Kathyra(s) : the way Laelis name the portals.

Laeli(s) : average height ; feline body ; car eyes ; skin covered in diverse type of soft furs ; fluffy tail ; apart from that look like humans.

Sephayis : name of the underground city.

Simmis : a Laeli guard of Sephayis.