Chapter 66.

- You see lads, gems are extra power.

The confused looks made Ischyra continue without needing a single word.

- Well, obviously you have never tried to interact with gems before. Those shiny things can contain energies from the Magical Flow and are used in a myriad of ways by mages. Most masters possess, at the very least, a few dozen gems of the highest quality on them at all times.

- So it's a type of container ?, asked Enora, unconvinced by its purpose.

- That is the first and most common use, yes. Gems are vital for lone mages as backup energy in case of great danger. On the other hand, Schools need them for special enchantments and automatic procedures to maximize the efficiency of core structures.

- Wait what ?, confusedly stammered Nick. Enchantments ?

- Of course ! Do you really think that an ordinary steel sword would fit a centuries-old master of the Mystic Arts ? By absorbing a specific type of energy in a gem and forging a weapon or equipment around it, with all the hidden knowledge of the art that is included, one can get a powerful artefact.

The explanations kept on coming. Enchanted objects were uncommon and expensive, used only by organizations that could afford it as the Blaze School was the primary producer. At least when it came to weaponry. This School was, after all, mainly renowned for its forging. They made most of the weapons and armours the other Schools used, and some of their mightiest products were wielded by the oldest sages of the Conjunction.

- Enchanting objects is all fine and dandy, but the real kicker is the area enchantment., continued the barmaid. You see, most enchanted weapons need to be recharged regularly since the gem gets empty. But, if you manage to get yourself an extensive collection of high-quality stones, you can use Mystic Arts to make them self-sustainable, and then produce a system that will effectively enchant an area. That kind of feat is rare, but it is also the difference between taking over a city and having to go back empty-handed.

- What kind of area enchantment are we talking about here ?, asked Rose with glimmers in her eyes.

- Depends on many things. It is well known that the very wasteful royal family of Thesylea enchanted the whole castle to keep clouds from forming above it. On the other hand, you have very pragmatic and smart people, like the Thunder School, who made it so lightning would strike if invaders came into their main base. Both are extravagant and incredibly expensive enchantments though.

A silence ensued, during which the three humans realized how foolish they might have been by not trying to hide their gems. It could have gotten them in a tricky situation. They also then understood how friendly and benevolent Ischyra was towards them. Even Enora felt it and was the first to react.

- Thank you, friend, for telling us of those matters.

- Don't worry., smiled the barmaid. We Paliscis rarely are greedy. Our world is rich, and we have all the time in the worlds to amass treasures. However, fair trades are the only trades I believe in. with that new knowledge in mind, you have to decide what you can give me for the magical tricks you desire. I'm not cheap.

(Nick) What do we do ? Now I'd feel like a jerk if we didn't at least reward her or something.

(Enora) Yeah …

(Rose) Let's see what she knows first.

- What can you teach us ?, boldly asked Rose.

- Ah ! That's the real question right ?, smiled Ischyra. I am a fire mage, like every people of my kind. And a Master at that.

- All Paliscis are fire Masters ?

For this whole conversation, the trio had been going from one surprise to another, and it was more exhausting than one would assume.

- Not Masters, fire mages., corrected the non-human. That's the advantage and curse of the Paliscis : we are incredibly gifted when it comes to fire energy, but we cannot learn any other. That is why the ranking system mainly used throughout the Conjunction does not apply to us and another couple of races : because we are too powerful in one energy and unable to learn more. That's a touchy subject though, and I should warn you that most Paliscis won't be happy to be reminded of that. You would be shocked to know the number of people on our homeworld that is actually researching a way to overcome this hurdle. More than a thousand years and nothing.

- I'm sorry., softly sympathized Rose.

- Don't worry sweetie., said she with a sad smile. I have made my peace with my limitations centuries ago. That's why I left too …

They could see the complex look Ischyra wore at that moment. That was the eyes of a person having abandoned or lost a lot. A minute flew by until Nick took the initiative. He asked a question that had been at the back of their minds for some time.

- Why are you helping us so much ? Not complaining, of course, but it is … peculiar. After all, you talked about a sore spot of your race just now. It is not an easy thing to do, I guess.

She focused her gaze on him, then on the other two, deeply thinking, debating. Finally, she admitted something :

- Other than the interesting matters about you all, what made me want to nudge you in the right direction was a single detail. You see, my grandmother was part of the first wave in my race's Trial. She fought beasts and savage creatures no one had ever seen before and came back without anything in her mind. She could not see us when we approached, because she did not know us. She was one of the first to learn fire magic and become a Grand-Master, opening the way to three generations of powerful mages and yet, she did not see us. I'm not envious of your fates little ones. Your previously loved ones will suffer.

It was the first time they saw Ischyra's age appear on her face. She looked old, veiled. She had not known her grandmother before the Trial, but clearly, the woman had lived a long life. That grandmother had never acted with Ischyra like a member of her family because she had never seen them.