Chapter 7: VIP

Seju was inside of a café nearby the hospital she was working at, waiting for Sejeong. She texted Sejeong to go and meet with her while the latter was on her break. She just wants to check the things that happened while she was away yesterday. And she doesn't have any other things to do except worry for the patient that almost died because of her. She also wanted some fresh air since she was so tired of crying yesterday when she went home, she tried to look around the cemetery to find Yeonhwa but it was useless, she didn't find her.

"You know, I really want to know what's going on inside your head when you're dozing off"

Seju suddenly heard her friend's voice while she was busy looking outside. She looked over her shoulder and saw Sejeong still wearing her hospital coat with a paper bag in her hands.

"What? You're just going to stare at me?"

Sejeong asked as she took a seat across Seju.

"There's no emergency right now?" Seju asked as she took a sip from her Café Mocha.

One of the waiters handed the menu to Sejeong and the latter gladly took it.

"Thanks. – it's not that busy unlike yesterday, and besides, Dr. Baek's going back today, so it's fine. It's almost time for her shift so she'll be there any time now." Sejeong said as she takes a look at the menu, not batting an eye on Seju who was listening to her.

"Dr. Baek was on leave yesterday?"

Sejeong just hummed as a sign of saying 'yes' and then called the waiter to tell her order.

"Do you know why did she take a leave yesterday?" Seju curiously asked.

As far as she observed Rohanne, she's the type of person to work relentlessly, and not take any rest.

"I'm not really sure… But apparently Chief gave her a day off since she's been working her ass off these past few days, and I heard from some of the interns that Dr. Baek was really planning to take a leave yesterday."

Sejeong explained, she rested her chin in her right hand and looked outside. People were walking around passing by in the busy streets of Seoul. It is a Monday after all, but to her it feels like every day is Monday.

'This is just a coincidence right?'

Seju nodded her head from Sejeong's reply.

"By the way, did you bring it?" Seju asked

The main reason why Seju asked to meet with her is because she wants to get her hands on the coat Rohanne lent her. She just remembered that she forgot it last time on the Nurse's station because there was an emergency.

"Yeah, why did you ask me to bring it to you? You should've just asked me to give it to Dr. Baek" Sejeong said and gave Seju the paper bag she brought with her containing the coat and the handkerchief.

"I wanted to give this to her, and thank her personally"

Sejeong just looked at her friend; she was already suspicious about it but she keeps on shaking the thought out of her brain.

'Does she like Dr. Baek?'

"Thank you for bringing it Sejeong. I owe you" Seju said.

"You're kind of tame today, what happened to you yesterday? Did you eat something bad like an expired yogurt or something?" Sejeong asked. She's not used to her friend being so quiet; she's more used to the tactless and playful Seju who just says the things she wants to say

"Actually—" Her sentence was cut off when she noticed a familiar car pull up in front of the hospital.

Sejeong realized that Seju was looking at something outside so she also looked out but she was confused on where Seju was looking.

"What you looking at?" Sejeong asked still looking outside finding what Seju was looking at.

"Whose car is that?" She asked as she look at the matte black Maserati that pulled over in front of the hospital.

"The Maserati?" Sejeong asked and looked at Seju

The latter just hummed as an answer; her gaze still glued on the car, waiting for the owner to come out.

"It's Dr. Baek's car"

As if on cue Rohanne got out from her car all classy and sassy wearing a white turtleneck sweater and a brown coat over it with a black fitted jeans and a pair of black heels.

Seju had a feeling that she already saw that car somewhere. It's kind of eye-catching and there are only few people in Korea that owns that kind of car so it's kind of hard to miss.

'Where did I see that car?'

"Why do you have anything against Dr. Baek's car?" Sejeong jokingly said "I know it's fancy and all but we can't commit theft Seju" She said and chuckled at her joke, but the person she was talking about was so immersed into thinking.

Seju's eyes turned saucers when she realized where she saw that car.

"Dr. Baek's on leave yesterday right?"

"Seju, are you really okay? Did I leave expired milk again in the fridge?" Sejeong asked jokingly but she's already getting suspicious of what's really going on.

'It's the car in the cemetery yesterday'

Seju was shocked to see the car she saw yesterday, she was sure about it; she was the only person in the cemetery yesterday, and also Yeonhwa who was hiding from her.


After Seju's three-day leave she's finally back at the hospital. She already composed herself after the incident with the elderly woman; she made sure that a medication error would never happen again.

But the thing boggling her mind right now was Yeonhwa. She believes that Yeonhwa is back, she's positive about it because only the two of them knows what kind of flowers Seungjae liked. She knows that Yeonhwa is just around that time, but what she doesn't know is why Yeonhwa didn't show herself.

'Why is she hiding from me?'

"You good Doc?" Areum, an intern asked while looking at Seju clean a patient's wound.

"Yeah, still in vacation mode because of the three-day leave" She said as she chuckled

After cleaning the wound she let Areum dress the patient's wounds and after that they both went back to the ER.

"How do you usually spend your day off doc?" Areum asked curiously

'Talking to a gravestone, finding someone who doesn't want to see me and overthinking about the mistake I've made'

"Hmm not much, I just mostly slept and laze around the house" She said, she couldn't possibly tell the girl that she had many encounters during her three day vacation. The younger girl just nodded her head in agreement and thought that it's just normal to laze around after doing such restless work.

"Dr. Park!" Minkyung was running towards Seju and Areum

"Is there an emergency?" Seju asked the intern, the guy looked unsure whether he should say it or not.

"J-Just go with me Dr. Park"

Minkyung lead Seju and Areum to Sejeong who was talking to a teenage girl who looks so pale and lethargic. She was crossing her arms and her legs, just looking at the teenage girl, Seju already knew that, the girl have attitude problems.

"You need to eat your food…" Sejeong said as she was offering a plate of food to the teenage girl, she was holding in her irritation and annoyance, anytime now she would probably pop a vein.

"I don't want to!" The girl said as she swatted Sejeong's hands, the food on the plate that Sejeong was holding fell and scattered on the floor. And that was the last straw of Sejeong's patience.

'This is why I don't like kids' She thought as she stood straight and glared at the girl in front of her out of her frustration.

The teenage girl glared back at her with the same intensity, with no signs of backing down

When Seju felt that Sejeong was almost at her limit she tapped the latter's shoulder to inform her that she was there.

When Sejeong turned around and saw Seju she immediately pulled her friend away from the patient

"Thank God you're here!" Sejeong exclaimed "If she wasn't a kid Seju, I swear I could've already done something to get my license revoked!" She said as she was pulling her hair out of frustration.

"Calm down let me handle it. Anyway what's the problem with her?"

"She's not eating for a couple of days already. Weight loss, Hypoglycemia, Hypokalemia, and lack of vitamins. She was rushed here from their School when she collapsed. We already administered some meds but she's still refusing to eat." Sejeong said with annoyance and irritation visible in her tone.

Seju went to the patient with a smile, and started to talk with the girl. Sejeong was just watching her from a distance.

"Hi! I'm Dr. Park. Can I ask you a few questions?"

The girl didn't pay attention to Seju instead she rolled her eyes and looked away.

'This kid is getting on my nerves'

Seju's patience was on the verge of collapse.

"Why aren't you eating your food?" She asked with a friendly tone but the girl just glared at her but still answered her question.

"I don't want to eat because I want to lose weight! I want to be beautiful so that my crush would pay attention to me!"

'This kid…'

Now Seju knows why Sejeong is getting irritated with the kid. Seju looked at the chart of the girl and her level of irritation rose when she saw that the girl was just 16 years old.

'She's just 16 Seju, calm your nerves…'

"I know what you want to do, but you need to eat your food. It's affecting your health in a bad way not in a good way; do you know how many weights you've lost? S—"

"Then Good!" The girl interrupted Seju.

'Seriously I wanna strangle this kid!'

Seju's patience is almost at its limit, her irritation and annoyance toward the kid is getting higher and higher and if that goes off the roof she doesn't know what she might do with the kid.

Sejeong on the other hand was silently enjoying the show; this is the first time Sejeong saw Seju struggle with a patient especially with a kid.

Seju was good with kids because she had 2 younger siblings that she had to take care of before, so she knows how to handle kids, but the girl in front of her was in another level.

"It's not good. Our body needs the nutrients from fo—"

"I already told you that I don't want to eat!"

Seju's patience just flew out of the window. She just smiled out of irritation, she breathed in and breathe out to relax and emptied her head; she doesn't want to get her license revoked and get sued by the kid's parents.

'Should I call a Psychiatrist?'

Sejeong suddenly butted in and faced the teenage girl.

"Kid I know that you want to lose weight but you're doing it the wrong way! You need to eat!"

"You're not my mom to tell me what I need to do!"

"Seju, I will really hit this kid! I don't care if my license gets revoked! Let me just hit this kid just once!" Sejeong said in rage ready to hit the kid, but Areum and Minkyung was able to hold her before she could do anything.

The small commotion got the attention of someone.

Seju and Sejeong heard heels clacking and the sound is getting closer and closer to them

"What seems to be the problem here?"

Rohanne emerged from the curtains and saw Minkyung and Areum holding Sejeong by the arms and the latter looking at her.

She raised her brows as if asking them about the situation. Immediately Minkyung and Areum released Sejeong from their grasp and the latter stood straight and fixed her coat.

The girl who was lethargic earlier was starstrucked by just looking at the fancy and good-looking doctor in front of her.

"She doesn't want to eat even a light meal" Sejeong explained

Rohanne asked for the girls charts and checked it. After scanning through the charts she handed it to Seju and took a chair, she sat on it so that she's at eye-level with the patient.

"Hi, Sujin, I'm Dr. Baek Rohanne"

Rohanne gave Sujin her sweetest smile and the latter felt like the sun was shining on her. She was so starstrucked she almost fainted.

'Is this doctor an idol?'

The people around them can't blame the kid for getting starstrucked, after all they were like her when they first saw Rohanne; mesmerized by her beauty.

"You see if you don't eat, you're beauty would go to waste." She said while patting the girl's head "Even if your crush can't see how beautiful you are, I can see it. You're beautiful." She said and flashed that killer smile again "Your crush is probably blind if he can't see it. But did you know that when you don't eat, you get ugly?" Rohanne said with a worrisome tone


'She took the bait'

Rohanne smirked and in just a split second her smirk turned into a smile.

"Because if you don't eat, the nutrients in your body are slowly diminishing. And those nutrients are needed to make you stay beautiful"

The four other people looking at them were amazed at how smoothly Rohanne handled the situation.

"You'll get ugly if you don't eat" She said and smiled, the younger girl in front of her were horrified by what she said and was convinced but Rohanne was still not finished with her provocation "It's a shame, you're actually my type" She said with a sad tone.

The girl in front of was now beet red, almost fainting from Rohanne's statement, but she's not the only one two people from the crowd inside fumed with irritation.

"So to stay beautiful, you should eat, if you eat more, you'll get much more beautiful. Show to your crush what he's missing out! Okay?" Rohanne flashed her million dollar smile again.


She patted the younger girl's head as a sign that she's being a good girl. She stood up from her chair and faced the interns.

"Please prepare her a balanced meal and make sure she gets to eat it all this time. And until she regains her weight and her sugar level is stable, make sure to monitor her properly."

"Yes Dr. Baek!" Minkyung and Areum said at the same time

"Good, I'll be going" She was about to head out when she turned around and smiled "I'll see you around Sujin!" She said and proceeded to check the other patients.

The girl's redness suddenly went from zero to a hundred.

"Oh God… Forget Jinho… I want Dr. Baek"

'This flirty kid… Where's my scalpel?' Seju and Sejeong both thought

'Dr. Baek's charisma is really something' Minkyung thought as he took a glance at the patient who's currently daydreaming about Rohanne.

He, himself have a crush at Rohanne; who wouldn't? She's perfect in every aspect, good-looking, talented and has a great personality… Sometimes… Rohanne can get really snobby and cold, but the interns understand it because of all the residents in the ER she's the one who handles most of the patients.

Seju left Sejeong to look after the flirty kid, she was about to go to the Doctor's lounge when she was called by Soah

"Dr. Park, there's a new patient…"

Seju just followed Soah.

In the hospital bed there's a young boy who was holding his stomach; his mom looked really worried for the boy so Seju didn't waste any more time and asked the mother some questions.

"What's the problem ma'am?"

"My son said that his stomach has been aching all day"

Seju looked at the kid and walked towards him

"Baby, I'll lightly press your stomach; tell me if it hurts, okay?" Seju said in a cheery tone


Seju was just about to press the kid's stomach when the kid reacted.

"I-It hurts doc!"

'Huh? I haven't even touched him…'

Seju was sure that there's something going on, so she pressed different parts of the kid's stomach and she got the same reaction.

"Are you sure it hurts everywhere?" Seju sweetly asked the young boy.

"Y-Yes…" The boy replied still holding onto his stomach

'I'm so done with kids today…'

Seju already knew what was wrong with the kid… Nothing… He was just faking it.

"Excuse me ma'am, did he eat something unusual or some expired food?"

"No… he didn't eat anything weird, just some sausages for breakfast, but I also ate it, and there's nothing wrong with me." The kid's mom is genuinely worried for her son. "What's happening to my son doc?"

Seju sighed and thought of a plan. She looked at the kid and started explaining what she would do.

"Okay here's what we need to do. We need to open your tummy." Seju said pointing at the kid's stomach "So that we can get the sausage and check if there's any poison in it"

The kid's eyes went saucers at what Seju said.

"Y-you'll open my tummy?"

"Yes, we need to do it to get the sausage"

Seju felt a light tap on her shoulder, Soah slightly leaned on her and whispered

"Doc what are you saying?"

Seju just smirked and looked at Soah

"Just wait, Soah…"

"Doc do you really need to open his stomach?" The patient's mother asked, worried that what Seju said was real.

"Yes ma'am, we ne—"



"M-My tummy isn't really hurting" The kid stuttered "I just want to skip school"

The kid's mom was glaring at him.

"We'll talk later, Dongho" She told the kid and then faced me "Thank you doc"

Seju just smiled at her and watched them as they exited the hospital.


After a long day Seju slumped on her chair in the doctor's lounge.

"My back hurts!" Seju exclaimed she then stretched her back; she can hear her bones popping from her stretching.

"You're getting old" Sejeong said as soon as she reach their table, she have two cups of coffee in her hands; she was followed by Soah and Minhae who was also holding their cups.

"I think I need an extension to my vacation" She said as she sat comfortably on the chair.

"And leave us again?"

The memories of Sejeong's hell day flashed back to her head, it was the day where Seju and Rohanne were both on leave.

"Did you know how much I suffered that day?"

The never ending patients were flooding that day making Sejeong, the other doctors and the interns work twice as hard.

"I'm just kidding Jeong! You have no chill" Seju said as she pat her friend's back "I won't leave you in this battlefield again" She added and smiled, Sejeong just rolled her eyes at Seju that made the latter laugh.

"Anyway, Dr. Baek is a good addition to our team!" Soah said as she took a bite from her slice of cake.

"Yeah, she's so cool and talented" Minhae said while daydreaming about Rohanne

"She's quite popular among the interns isn't she?" Sejeong asked then took a sip from her coffee.

Minhae and Soah vigorously nodded their head

"Dr. Baek is really responsive whenever we have questions and almost all of the interns look up to her" Minhae commented

Seju and Sejeong also noticed that, more interns were asking Rohanne for help and ask her questions.

"She's also nice with the other staffs. Some. No, almost all of the nurses have a crush on her, regardless of the gender" Soah mentioned and ate a spoonful of cake.

Seju and Sejeong looked at her raising their brow asking if it was real and the Nurse just nodded her head, the spoon still in her mouth.

"Her Charisma's really something" Sejeong commented.

The four of them stayed quiet; they ate and drank their food and drinks.

Seju was scrolling through her phone, but her mind was wandering somewhere else. She wanted to talk to Rohanne. She has many things she wanted to ask, but she's so tired to even lift her butt from her chair.

A few more minutes into their break Sejeong's phone rang.

"Hello Chief?"

The four of them looked at Sejeong with anticipation.

"We'll be there" She hung the phone and placed it on her pocket. She abruptly stood up "VIP. ER. ASAP" She simply said and the three already knew what's happening.

They ran towards the ER and meet the EMT, the patient was still inside the ambulance and is still getting the patient out.

"Status?" Sejeong asked the EMT

"The patient's unconscious as of the moment. Her blood pressure is 90. She fell on a rock and injured her hip and she had a head injury. She's also overdosed on anti-anxiety pills."

"An overdose patient…"

Sejeong quickly ran towards the patient and assisted Doah.

Seju can't see the patient because the EMT's were surrounding the patient; Doah and Sejeong were already catering the patient.

"Someone, call an orthopedist" Doah instructed

"Yes, Chief"

"Soah, please check the pills' components"

"Yes, Doc" Soah asked one of the EMT's for the bottle of pills that was found with the patient.

"Let's transfer the patient carefully"

When the patient was inside the ER; Seju's eyes almost fell when she saw who it was. Her heart clenched at the sight of her.


It was Yeonhwa's Aunt…