Mighty Armies of Cholan's and Pandiyan's

A large army, In the middle of an army, a chariot, tied with armoured warhorses. Warhorses armours given fear who sees them like is it a warhorse or a lion. When a horse trod the sands in one of his legs, it resembles a lion is getting ready for it hunting.

In that chariot, A great warrior, An Emporer, Emporer of Pandiyan Dynasty, VeeraPandiyan, the one who killed Uttamasili Cholan fourth prince of Chola's dynasty. He is looking at a single direction his eyes are entirely red, lt like it is burning, burning for blood.

Yes, it is burning for blood, but not anyone, he didn't want any head of Prince again, but what he wants is king's head. This king not an ordinary one but Chola's new king Sundra Cholan, who changed his name as second Parantaka Cholan, who defeated him previously.

It has been sixteen years, Veera Pandiyan killed Uttamasili. In these sixteen years, Veera Pandiyan not tastes a single defeat. No one was there to defeat him. In these sixteen years, Chola's Dynasty did not participate any wars. His one miscalculation became his failure. He starts fights against Chola's. He defeated everyone for his country's freedom, he proved his strength, his country's power, but everything changed after sixteen years when his fight with Sundra Cholan.

This failure made him angry he wants Sundra Cholan's head to erase this failure and to rewrite history.

Veera Pandiyan, looking at a single direction without even a blink of his eyes. In long-distance a horse running towards his overseeing, in that horse a soldier, he wears armour, the centre of the armour fish symbol like it dancing at sea.

He directly came towards the king Veera Pandiyan and said: "My king, Chola's Army is coming."

Veera Pandiyan: I know. Did the Sundra Cholan come? Is he leading the army?

Warrior: No, my king.

Disappointment can easily be seen on Veera Pandiyan face by anyone now. How can be he is not disappointed. He came here for his head.

But next second asked, "If Sundra Chola didn't come, who is leading the Chola's Army?"

Warrior: It was his first son, The Crown Prince Aditya Karikalan.

When the warrior said the name, there was a rumble of thunder. It was the whole world; also, heaven is welcoming him as his successor.

Veera Pandiyan looked at the sky with a smile, at his opposite a great army coming toward him, but what he saw first was not an army, but a sand storm.

There are three face formation in that army, An Infantry, cavalry and an elephantry. They also arranged Properly. Thou followed an infantry, in front armoured soldiers who have shield and spear, Followed by them, Bow and arrows infantry soldiers, and behind them, soldiers who held swords in their hands and with another hand a shield. The who one who leads Infantry was Pallava's Prince Parthivendra Pallavan.

Second faces Cavalry, It also formed a similar formation, the one leading the cavalry is "Kodumbalur Vel Poothi Vikrama Kesari".

Finally third face, an Elephantry. The one who leads is Chola's first Prince., the Crown Prince, Aditya Karikalan.

In all the three faces, all soldiers wear armours, at the centre of it, a symbol, not just a sign but it reflects their bravery and courage, A tiger. If one looks at that tiger sign, they will be afraid, like it is real one any time it will hunt them.

Seeing Chola's army standing opposite of his army Veera Pandiyan, He arranged his army with two-faced. Each side combined with Infantry, Cavalry and an Elephantry. One side Pandiyan general leads, while another side Veera Pandiyan himself leading it.

Both sides waiting for the war to start, not just soldiers, but all horses and elephants, their roars are like they want to drink blood like ancient beasts and they ask like 'when will the war start?'

There are, thousands of thousand soldiers, horses and no fewer elephants at each side if you want to count them if you start at dawn even after dusk you won't finish half of it.

After they stand in the formation, soon everything becomes silent, As Lord Yama came to the battlefield, waiting for God Shivan's order to take who's life first.

Even, that place 'Sevur', they gathered doesn't know it is going to uphold a history in future. Within the next few minutes, a War going to start.

Suddenly, at Chola's army, a warrior runs into an elephant, its body and trunk covered with armour. It looks like a demon from the underworld. That warrior holds an Ivory in one hand and used another hand to pull the elephant's ears. Elephant raised a leg slightly, warrior taken a step on its legs and called, "My Prince... Prince..."

There was full silent for the next few seconds, That warrior's eyes have gazed in confusion, then he looked nearby who is Parthiverndra Pallavar.

Parthivendra Pallavar: Hmm. Call him once again. Loudly.

Warrior: "Prince... Prince..." he called again,

But there was no response again too. At same time Leader of the Cavalry, Vikrama Kesari came and asked, "What? He slept?"

Warrior: Hmm. I think the Prince is at deep sleep, I called him continuously, but there is no response from the Prince.

An afterthought for a few seconds, Vikrama Kesari said, "Parthivendra Pallavare, You come."

Parthivendra Pallavan: What can I do?

Vikarama Kesari: Hmm. Adityan is in slumber. Before Pandiyans get to know this, wake him.

Parthivendra Pallavan: No. No. This time you wake him.

Vikrama Kesari: What is this? You will be the one who always wakes him up when he is in sleep.

Parthivendra Pallavan: Haa. What for it? We are on the battlefield. I don't know what is in Aditya's mind thoughts. He will be angry even If everything goes right. But now. How can I wake him?

Fear and hesitation can easily see his eyes.

Vikrama Kesari: Hmmm. That's right. If we are afraid and stand like this, Pandiyan will come and take Aditya's head. Then Aditya also will get a nickname in the future like 'Lord who slept on an elephant'.

After hesitating for some times,

Parthivenrdra Pallavar looked at the warrior and said, "Get down, soldier". Once he came down, Vikrama Kesari, pushed his one hand on Ivory and pulled his another hand at Elephant ears, an Elephant raised his leg slight like previously, he took and stand on elephant leg and called "Aditya... Aditya.."

This time one finger moved at the direction of Parthivendra Pallavar and indicating like 'get down.' Seeing that, Parthivendra Pallavar got down from that elephant.

Next movement, an Elephant raised it both of its front legs like a horse, with the sound of "Thump" elephant puts its legs on the ground. Earth sakes.

At the same time, Aditya Karikakalan raised his head, everyone including Pandiyan army and their king Veera Pandiya can able to look at the face of Aditya Karikalan.