Death. To more preciously taking either your head or my, only will end this war

Aditya Karikaln replied with a smile, "Hm. Then, we will talk about rules which will end the war. Army retreating or surrendering and accepting defeat or death, in these which will decide the end of this war, Veera Pandiya?"

Veera pandiyan looked deeply at Aditya Kalrikalan with a grim smile, said, "Hmm, You are good warrior Karikala, not like your father to hide because of fear."

"Army retreating or surrendering or accepting defeat won't decide the factor of the victory of this war Karikala. Death. To more preciously taking either your head or mine can only will end this war."

Slightly raising his head, Aditya Karikalan looking at Veera Pandiyan, asked, "Are you sure? If you want I will give one more chance Veera Pandiya, Think and reply."

"Hehehe." laughingly Veera Pandiyan replied, "Why? Getting afraid so soon, did you forgot you are talking to Veera Pandiyan the one who beheaded one of your predecessors, hmm what was his name? Uttamasili."

Controlling his rage, Aditya Karikalan replied, "I didn't forget anything Veera Pandiya, I have come to rewrite the history by tasking your head." with a cold smile.

"Ha, then it is good, Either one of us has to take other's head, until that there is no end to this war Karigala. Even though you are courageous Aditya Karikala, You came to Pandiyan emperor the one who beheaded your Predecessor Uttamasili and talking about beheading me." Veera Pandiyan replied with anger.

"I am not the one who interested in taking Veera Pandiya, wait for a movement," Aditya Karika told Veera Pandiyan.

And takes two palm leaf from his hip sleeve given to Veera Pandiyan and asked, "Just read the contents on two palm leaf."

Veera Pandiyan read first one a smile appeared on his face, then he reads the second one and turns his head with a cold gaze at Aditya Karikalan.

With a smile, Aditya Karikalan said, 'I understand why smiled at the first one and why looking with cold after reading the second one."

"What written in first palm leam is 'Veera Pandiyan the one beheaded Chola Prince Aditya Karikalan' and the Second on contains 'Aditya Karikalan the one beheaded Pandiyan Emporror Veera Pandiayn'."

"We both keep one Palm leaf, Veera Pandiya If you beheaded and killed me take the leaf from me which written, 'Aditya Karikalan the one beheaded Pandiyan Emporror Veera Pandiayn.'

Or if killed you, I will take the palm leaf from you which written, 'Veera Pandiyan the one beheaded Chola Prince Aditya Karikalan' and the Second on contains.'

The one who will win the war takes palm leaf to the Architecture or inscription master to record it somewhere in our nation either temple or the Palace. What is your opinion Veera Pandiya?"

"Hehehe." laughingly Veera Pandiyan said, "I am getting more and more interested in you Aditya, What a spirit and courage. I am also same like you. Brave and courageous, So let's stop talking with tongue and starts talking with our swords."

"Thank you, Veera Pandiya." Aditya Karikalan replied to Veera Pandiyan and returned to their place.

War rules and agreements have announced to all soldier then War Sire cone was echoed, each side from all the soldiers making sound by hitting their spear in the ground, drumming their shield with their sword etc. to express their interest in the war.

Not wasting any more time Parthivendra Pallavan Starts the war with his infantry. He divided them into twenty-five and made the like Crescent Moon

to charge towards the enemy.

Twenty-five crescent moon Each crescent moon contains more than a hundred soldiers, approximately two thousand five hundred to three thousand formed twenty-five crescent moon and charged towards the Pandiyan army.

Pandiyan General sees the Twenty-five crescent moon said, "they formed crescent moon formation. To break this formation, we have to create Blazing Sun formation. Hmmm." ordered his soldiers.

And then from Pandiyan army soldiers create a twenty-five circle like formation which contains three thousand soldiers. Both forms, getting closer and closer. Suddenly Twenty-five crescent moon formation stopped and went back then each crescent moon changed into columns of soldiers. Each column contains twenty-five soldiers.

Seeing this, Pandiyan general got confused and asked, "Crescent moon formation can't go back, this... how?"

Pandiyan Emporror Veera Pandiyan replied, "Hmm, Crescent moon formation can't go back but Bow and arrow formation can. Seeing Crescent moon, you miss calculated it was a moon formation but it was not instead, the bow and arrow formation. Arrows launched from the bow.

Veera Pandiyan said, "Even though Parthivendra Pallavan knows they also suffer in the bow and arrow formation but, our side suffers most."

Hearing Pandiyan Emporror explanation, generals heart starting beats fast and said, "I didn't think about this,"

But it was too late.

Once side Pandiyan Soldiers move forward like Blazing sun, opposite side five columns of soldiers like arrow came out of the bow. They came faster into Blazing sun formation, breaking it, went inside killed Pandian Soldiers when they appear out of blazing sun formation out of twenty-five soldiers in each column only fifteen to twenty came alive.

But Pandiyan army is the one suffered most.

Veera Pandiyan grimed, "Hmm. One more time if you said the same words, your head falls to the sail."

Pandiyan General, "My king."

Veera Pandiyan said with a cold tone, "Hmm, What my King? Because of your mistake, we lost many soldiers. I will take charge of this war from now general."

Pandiyan General requested, "My king, give me last one chance."

Veera Pandiyan said, "Not one I will give a hundred, but from now on, not a single soldier will die our side. Understand?"

Pandiyan General replied, "Yes, It won't happen again."

Hearing the promise of general Veera Pandiyan ordered, "Now retreat the blazing sun formation."

Next moment, War Cone from Pandiyan army and remaining Panidyan soldiers in the blazing sun formation retreated. Following this Chola's Soldiers also retreated.

Turning his head, Parthivendra Pallavan looks at Aditya Karikalan, but Aditya Karikalan doesn't even look at him. All he focused on War ground only.