Turns of events - 2

While saying this, Vikrama Kesari and Parthivendra Pallavan looked at Aditya Karikalan. But Aditya Karikalan did not even turn his face to look at them. No one knows what he thinks now. He was looking at the battlefield, and it was like nothing blinking his eyes.

Veera Pandiyan also understood what happened; who was he? Veera Pandiyan started his revolution when he was very young when Chola's ruled the world. He fought many wars; who knows how many times he nearly died? If one counts how many battles he has fought till now, it is higher than the total age of Vikrama Kesari, Parthivendra Pallavan and Aditya Karikalan. He perfectly understands the reason.

In the next movement, many lions' faces again sent from Chola's came to the battlefield.

Veera Pandiyan, "hmm. look what going to happen to your lions," told himself, taking one war cone in each hand, he blew the left-hand cone first, and subsequent movements, Pandiyan's small soldiers, formed many small fishes and ran into the battlefield.

Seeing this, Vikrama Kesari said, "Pallava, even his elephant lost to our lions, now he is sending fish?"

Parthivendra Pallavan mockingly, "Yeah, maybe, he is trying his luck since he also put this useless fish on his nation's flag."

They don't know how foolish they are. When many fishes went to the battlefield, they did not fight with Cholas' lion-faced armies, but they slipped like fishes, here and there. Seeing this, Parthivendra Pallavan, Vikrama Kesari, and even Cholas' soldiers on the battlefield also got confused.

Now, suddenly, Veera Pandiyan blows his right-hand war cone. Soon all the fish turned into many big elephants and surrounded the many lion faces from outside; they fought with lion faces head-on and were killed. If they couldn't, they turned into fishes again, like each ivory into two fishes, large trunk into two or three small fishes, ears into fishes etc.

Seeing this, Parthivendra Pallavan and Vikrama Kesari send more lion faces but can't touch these fish-formed soldiers; they were like real fish in the water, tough to catch. If they formed into an elephant, it was a total rampage of how a herd of elephants went on fury.

Previously Cholas' lion faces killed Pandiaya's elephant army within four nazhigai, but now the Pandiyan army turns over the tide within four nazhigai.

Parthivendra Pallavan and Vikrama Kesari are in shock, but they also don't know what Veera Pandiyan did. To understand this, one has to view it from the eagles, which were waiting for the fight to end so that they could eat the remaining warriors from both sides.

When the first group of fish went to the battlefield, they did not fight. They went to lion faces and separated them from their lion faces. So they can't fight with a single elephant face since single elephant face formation has much more soldiers.

This way Pandian fish army never allowed any lion face which comes into contact with others. So, they can't fight as a group of lions or merge into a large lion-to-face single elephant face formation.

Due to this, Pandiyan Army won this time.

Both Parthivendra Pallavan and Vikrama Kesari don't know what to do. At the same time, they also have to plan for the next step to stop Veera Pandiyan's game. But before they concluded, Veera Pandiya formed his subsequent formation, "The Lion Formation", from the Pandiyan army.

Again both Parthivendra Pallavan and Vikrama Kesari were stunned because Veera Pandiyan created the single lion face formation using Elephantry.

Both Parthivendra Pallavan and Vikrama Kesari looked at each other. Vikrama Kesari said, "We have to work together on this."

Parthivendra Pallavan nodded, "Sure, Vikrama; what is your idea?"

Vikrama Kesari, "I will send my cavalry to fight with Elephantry while you send your Infantry to kill the elephants and target soldiers whose on the elephant with their archery."

Looking at this, Veera Pandian said, "I thought what formation they would create against my Lion formation, but they want to destroy my appearance without any formation.

Good. Only Cholas' will think something like this. It may look risky, but there are possibilities to gain a victory from this. Ha, anyway, let them knock with my Elephantry.

Within a few seconds, both armies clashed. Cholas' soldiers surrounded a lion-faced formation formed by Elephantry. Cholas used the speed of calvaries to chase away the Elephantry. Meanwhile, Elephantry also can't do anything to the infantry.

But, at the same time, Cholas' side also lost much life. No one knows what happened, but still, compared to Pandian's army, Chola's side has a very high death rate. Understanding this, Vikrama Kesari blew the war cone. Immediately, injured and remaining Chola warriors who were fighting all retreated from the battlefield.

Both Parthivendra Pallavan and Vikrama Kesari are at the peak of their anger. They led their army, but both lost many of their soldiers. Vikrama Kesari, "Pallava, We need to end the Veera Pandian game." This both turned to Aditya Karikalan.

But he was still waiting for a response from Aditya Karikalan. He only looked at the bloody battlefield without blinking an eye. Both asked Aditya Karikalan, "Aditya tell us something."

Now Aditya Karikalan turned his head and looked at dusk.

"Haa, the day is going to end? No, this day only has to end after we gain our victory. Pallava, trident, take trident," said Vikrama Kesari nervously.

"ha, yes, I also thought of the same. Form trident formation", Parthivendra Pallavan replied in the same nervous tone. Soon, Chola soldiers formed a large trident formation.

In the centre blade was calvary and on another side of the edges were Infantry soldiers. Like a Trident went forward to face the Pandiyan army.

Looking at this, Veera Pandiyan said, "Trident, the weapon of Adhi Shivan. Then I will use Adhi Sakthi's weapon. It is also a Trident." smilingly, he ordered his soldiers. Soon, Another Trident formation formed from the Pandian army.

Veera Pandiyan also put calvary at the centre spear blade of the trident, but for side blades, he arranged for the Elephantry instead of the infantry.

Now, both the trident clashed, and soon Paniyan's trident formation broke the Chola s trident. Because elephants easily crushed the infantry of Cholas'. Soon many death and casualties on Cholas' side. And the day also comes to an end.

Parthivendra Pallavan and Vikrama Kesari's faces are gloomy, same for Veera Pandiyan. But the one Veera Pandiyan was looking at was Aditya Karikalan. Aditya Karikalan also looked at Veera Pandiyan.

Parthivendra Pallavan and Vikrama Kesari went to Aditya Karikalan and said, "Aditya, at least say something now; your silence gives us sadness."

Aditya Karikalan spoke first after the day of the war, "Hmm, arrange treatment for wounded soldiers and also prepare food for everyone. We will meet at a consultative forum, " and he left.