Founding Ball pt. 3

Just like Gwen had thought, Nadia was definitely standing out as usual, contrary to what she had said. Even if she felt like she's naturally blending in with the crowd, it wasn't the case at all.

In the sea of bright colors, her silver-blue gown is the odd one out but not in a bad way. And Nadia was actually downplaying herself. She knows that she's pretty but she is not fully aware of the whole extent of it.

You see, in Rosenthal Empire, there is no shortage of good-looking people. The term ugly does not even exist. The ones who are at the bottom-most spectrum would still be considered good-looking in other nations, and will probably be in the same height as the celebrities.

Thus, being beautiful in the empire is nothing sort of rare. To be even hailed as the top beauty, or be known for your good genes, one must possess extraordinary looks.