The Arcane Tower pt. 9

The contents of Est Magicae are just as what it means, the magic itself. I didn't get to read the entire book in one sitting and had only got to finish it in three days. Makes sense because the book was thicker than the first one and has broader information relayed. The first book was all about the history of why magic is sealed in Terra, while the second one talked more about magic and its subcategories within subcategories.

It was a long ride from the first to the last page and I really learned a lot. Much more than my initial research from the libraries I have visited. Starting from what is magic, where did it sprout from, was it always a natural occurrence, and more. 

According to the book, magic is constant from the start. It is present in every place, nook and cranny, and corner of all universes. It truly surprised me.

I was like, 'Hmm… If that was true, then the world I came from also has magic?'