The Blue Intruder

A month passed; Gordon was still outside Althea. He was in his task of visiting each kingdom that allied up with the school to strengthen their relationships with each other again. Meanwhile the s-class...

"I don't think she's gonna visit us." Theodore said and looked up at the ceiling in their wide and huge practice room.

They were slacking off since a meeting was held and their teacher went out, giving them free time. He was sitting on the benches with the others except for Violet who went out for a while.

"I was looking forward to it though." Virgo sighed and put her chin on her palm. "I was really surprised when the headmaster suddenly said that she'll meet us. I mean, I thought she's just a rumor."

"We can't help thinking that kind of thing." Vezkud said. "She never really showed herself to anyone."

"She never said anything to us too." Vantel crushed an empty can with his fist with his stoic expression, not matching the brutality he just did to the can. "I thought she was just the headmaster's imaginary friend."

"We've been waiting for a whole month. She must've forgotten to see us." Brian joined the conversation and his face eventually lit up when he thought about something. "Ah! What if she's a shy one?!"

The rest looked at him with bewildered expressions but the only one who thought the same nodded.

"Maybe she is. Headmaster never told us if she was tough or shy. Maybe that's the reason why she never showed up." Delora said.

"The Official Executer is a shy person?" Aaron's face turned sour at the idea. "That doesn't make sense to me."

"Hey! You can't judge a person's personality by her power! Shy persons are quite strong too!"

"Oh yeah? Like when they stood up and talk with confidence?" Aaron sarcastically said.

"Whaaat?!" Delora's eyebrows met. Lily held her back to sit again.

"Easy, easy. You know Aaron's a complicated one." Lily said to Delora.

"I heard you." Aaron glared at Lily who just smiled slyly.

The practice room's door opened and Violet came in which gathered the attention of her classmates. She went on a different bench far away from them and laid down without making any noise. She turned sidewards, faced the wall, and slept.

"Violet's not talking that much these days." Virgo worriedly said. "Did something happen to her?"

Neodelle's eyes remained focused on Violet's back. He didn't tell anyone about her sudden pause and walk out when she heard about Scarlet. 'Maybe she's scared of her?' Neodelle thought. 'But why? Because she's an enemy?'

Neodelle fell into a deep thought while the others kept on talking about Violet's decreasing feedback and words.

"She stopped hanging with us too. She just stays inside her room." Delora said.

"And when she goes out. She's always with the four Riodens." Virgo added.

"Maybe she liked their company more than the three of you." Vantel uninterestedly said which welcomed a glare from the three.

Brian was about to join the conversation when the door flew open and Mr. Bolter went in. He clapped his hand which woke up Violet and sat up from the bench. "You have a surprise quiz!" He announced while swaying the papers in his hand.

Brian, Theodore, and Virgo grunted. The ones who suck on quizzes and only have an average result in academic quizzes and tests.

They took the quiz right where they are and Bolter stayed to watch them answer their quizzes with full honesty. Half an hour passed and they all submitted their papers to their teacher after having the room full of silence.

Bolter looked at their papers and stopped at Violet's answers. His eyebrows furrowed and looked at Violet who was looking away. She knew that Bolter would look at her. Bolter looked at her paper again and read her answers again with a displeasing expression.

"Study and review your lessons, Miss Rioden. I'm quite disappointed." Bolter said in a cold voice and Violet just nodded. "You're all dismissed." He said and went out first while still looking at Violet's paper.

The class was also looking at the lady wearing her bandages with confused faces.

"What happened?" Delora asked as they watched Violet who went out too after their teacher.

"Something is bothering her, I think. She's not the type who'll get low scores." Lily worriedly said.

The guys stood up and the rest did the same too. They all walked towards the door to leave.

"She can talk to us, though." Virgo said.

"Maybe she's really an enemy?" Aaron said straightly and eventually received a kick from Lily who was annoyed by what he said.

"That's nonsense!"

"Fine. You don't have to kick me." He glared at her but she just raised an eyebrow at him, not fazed by Aaron's glare.

"Hey, grown-ups. Don't fight." Brian full of boredom said.

"We're not that old." Lily glared at Brian.

"Let's just go—"

Theodore got cut when they heard a loud sound like a 'thud' behind them. They all look where it was from and felt a magical energy from a human inside that alerted every single one of them.

"An intruder!" Vezkud whispered to them who seemed to get the thing about it already.

"Ouch..." The blue long-haired lady slowly stood up and looked around in front of her not knowing who owns the room were behind her. "Where is this? It doesn't look like hell nor heaven."

"Her hair looks familiar." Vantel said to them and squinted his eyes as if it'll make his sight even better and recognize the intruder.

But what he said took somebodies attention.

"You're interested in women?" The three girls looked at him with surprise as they quietly asked him.

"No. I said her hair looked familiar." Vantel said. Not allowing their words irritate and get to him.

"I don't think I'm outside the school." Ginger murmured and the latter didn't hear it.

She was putting her guard down and she didn't feel their energies that were hidden. "Ahhh." She breathed out and put her hands on her waist. "I shouldn't had agreed to try that teleporting spell. Now I'm lost. Should I punch the wall to get out?"

"Who are you?" Neodelle coldly asked and his classmates flinched when they heard him. They were unprepared of the sudden confrontation. He also revealed their place with his action.

"Why did you speak?!" Theodore widened his eyes as he discreetly whispered to his friend. "You dumbass!" He couldn't hide his frustration towards his friend when they could have get more information from the mumbling intruder.

Ginger looked behind her and finally realized that she's not alone. For an intruder, she wasn't guarded nor cautious. She recognized that they were Violet's classmates but she didn't let that bother her as she looked at them naturally without acting suspiciously like running away or escaping from them. "Oh. Someone's here." She sighed in relief as if she wasn't an animal lost in a lion's den. "Thank goodness. Can I know how to get out? I don't know where I am."

Vantel and Aaron's eyebrows raised at the relaxed and laid-back response of the intruder. That was some intruder that they never encountered before.

"You're in the s-class' floor." Brian said.

Instead of wide eyes, Ginger blinked a few times and looked around again, examining the whole place. "Damn. This is huge and it's just for the ten of you? Wow." She reacted.

She continued looking around even though she felt the swift and flawless movement of Aaron and Delora. In just a second, Delora's hardened crystal hand and Aaron's sword made from his shadow were next to her throat. Just one move and she could get her neck sliced and it's either just a cut or a fatal one.

"Wow. You can't be underestimated with those moves." She said and looked at the ceiling one last time. She looked at the two and smiled. "Come on. I'm no harm. I'm ranked lower than you. I'll be killed if I dumbly attacked you two."

"She still hass the balls to be relaxed." Neodelle said annoyed yet amused with the intruder's response.

"She has no balls." Vantel replied. Neodelle breathed out through his nostrils, trying to calm himself down as the rest who was with them tried not to laugh at Vantel's nonchalant reply.

"I'm Ginger. Nice to meet you but it would be nicer if you'll tell me the way out." Ginger introduced herself instead to make them feel that she has no ill intentions after popping out of nowhere.

The latter looked at the blue haired lady who just appeared out of nowhere in their practice room. They kept in mind what the person's name was. Ginger.

"Wait. You're all s-class, right? Where's Violet? Did she ditch her class?"

They became more attentive when Ginger mentioned Violet. 'She knows her?' Everybody asked themselves except for Vantel who seemed to realize who she was.

"You're a Rioden, I hunch." Vantel said and everybody looked at him because of his catchy hunch.

Ginger tilted her head. "Yes. How did you know?"

"I remember seeing a blue-haired one with Violet before. So, it was you."

"Before?" Ginger's eyebrows furrowed. She can't remember that someone was looking at them. She was not careful enough, she thought.

"Yes. When a monkey went down the tree."

Ginger was bewildered at what he said. "Monkey? Tree? There's a monkey here?" Ginger asked, seriously baffled by a monkey's existence in the school.

"I assume she's also a Rioden since she went to Violet." Vantel tried to make her remember.

"Rioden...?" Her face completely crumpled but it eventually faded when she realized who he was referring to. "Kesha?" She said and remembered the time when they were looking for her who was running wild before.

'Kesha's... A monkey...'

Ginger imagined Kesha with a monkey's head. The two removed their weapons from her throat when she suddenly covered her mouth to stop her laughter.

She suddenly fell down as she sits on the floor. Her knees equal to her shaking shoulders as she tears up from the funny thing that Kesha was called a monkey by her crush.

"Poor Kesha. Having that kind of impression from her crush.'

"You seemed to be enjoying yourself." Aaron coldly said as he looked down at Ginger, unamused with her.

With a shaking shoulder, she said. "S-sorry. It was just funny to think Kesha as a monkey." She shook her head and slapped her face two times to be serious again. "Okay. I am now oka—."

She was cut off when the door flew open.

"You!" Violet, wearing her uniform, barged inside and went to drag Ginger. She took her wrist and started walking towards the door as she successfully drags her out of the room.

"Why the heck are you here?!" She discreetly whispered to Ginger as she dragged her out of the practice room, leaving the rest behind dumbfounded by what happened suddenly.

"Let's just think that nothing happened..." Brian said.

"I think the same thing too." Virgo agreed.

. . .

I went out of the bathroom and sat down on the bed of my room in the dormitory. I'm so tired and I hope to just sleep eternally but I can't. I can't in this state. I can't sleep eternally until I slay the person who slayed more than her own family. Their voices kept on hunting me in my sleep.

I laid down and extended my hand towards the ceiling. I looked at the bandages wrapped around me and sigh.


I shook my head. Now isn't the time to think about her.

What I should be thinking about is that Gordon. What will he say to that kingdom when he arrives?

Ask for their forgiveness? Negotiate? Laugh like he knows nothing?

I shook my head again. Why do I have to think about it? It's his life and decisions. Let him take care of it.

I sighed again and faced my left side. I need to sleep but my blood feels like rushing too fast and they can't seem to calm down and go on like how they normally flow.

"How would I face her?"

Now I am back with Scarlet. I facepalmed since I felt like I would be thinking about things through the night. I crawled to the center of my bed and took the scissors below my pillow.