Chapter 25

(y/n) P.O.V. 1st Person

I dry off with a towel, my thoughts returning to the quite eventful afternoon. I'm back in my room, wondering what to do with the extra time. Now that exams are over, all that time I normally spend studying is just waiting around. But how can I focus on anything when my mind is all over the place? 'I should just get started on the homework, no sense in putting it off when I can save time later.' But as I go to grab my books I notice one of my textbooks is missing.'Maybe I left it in my locker? Great. Just great.' I pick up my clothes to put them back on, but after careful observation I realize that it will be best to change into something different. They're stained with semen and smell like this afternoon.

Throwing on a fresh pair of clothes, I rush out the door. I run down the hall, trying to avoid running into anyone unpleasant. The dorms are fairly empty despite class being over: 'Most students must be hanging out around the campus right now.'

I nearly run into Tamura, but he stops me by blocking my way. "Woah woah woah! Are you that excited to see me?" I'm just wanting to get my things and return to the comforts of my room, yet it seems I'll always find interruptions. "Come on, I don't mind having a little fun. If you're in the mood that is."

"Sorry," I reply teasingly,"I just got back from doing it with Yuri." I watch his face twitch into both an irritated and surprised expression.

"Yuri!" He growls, "That bastard. I knew he was up to something!" I let out a laugh, but I try to push through in a hurry. "Man, I guess our club's little bitch it's quite popular these days. Maybe you'll win first at the end of the month." I laugh it off, heading past him. 'That's unlikely.' I know these boys, and there's no way I'd even make third.

I make it outside before a friendly voice calls out to me. "Yacchan!" I wave as he struts up to me. We chat for a bit as I speed walk towards the locker room. Things are starting to feel normal again. "Oh, yeah. I was just with my clubmate and another kouhai not long ago."

"Oh! The smart senpai?" He exclaims. I nod, 'Yeah.. that one...' I tell him all about the stalker issue and Toru. 'It's been a crazy day, but I guess I've made a new friend. Not that I'm so sure these are the types of things "friends" do together. We're pretty much just one big mutual group of fuckbuddies.' (*Cough cough* Make that an open polycule.)

I start to turn towards the direction of the locker room, but he seems to be heading in a different direction. "I gotta grab something from my locker. Guess I'll talk to you later!"

"No prob, see ya!" He shouts, sending me one of those killer smiles as he hurries off in another direction.

The halls are oddly quiet. It leaves an eerie feeling. It's as if something is waiting for me. This isn't a horror movie though, this is my life. One that's bizarre and oddly unpredictable. Or very predictable because most of it is just routine studying, and now getting laid on top of studying.

A hand snakes around my shoulders, and I nearly jump when I see Itsuki behind me. "Shikatani-senpai!" I shout, suddenly relaxing.

"Smells like dick," he mutters to himself.

"Huh?" I grab my shirt, taking a whiff of it. If anything it smelled like (fav/scent). (If your favorite scent is dick then oh well pick something else.) "But I showered."

He winks at me, "I can still tell. Don't worry, it suits you."

He follows me down to my locker, questioning all about the encounter. He is especially interested in this Toru fellow who he hasn't had a chance to pursue yet. From what I've heard from Tamura, Shikatani-senpai is in a relationship with our homeroom teacher. I haven't heard anything about it from him myself though, nor do I have the courage to ask. Of my clubmates, Itsuki is probably the one I'm the least close with after all.

All my thoughts are dismissed though as I reach my locker. I go to put in the combination, only to find it's unlocked with the door slightly open. 'Did I forget to close it all the way? I swear I've been careful to check it.'

I open the door to find it filled up with notes and words sharpied on the walls. The notes mostly have one or two words on them. Not surprisingly, most have the word 'slut' written on them in thick, black, capital letters.

"What's this?" Shikatani asks, eyes glazing over the notes. Among the insults and names is a variety of crude and even threatening messages. I feel like I'm going to be sick. Scooping them up, I shove them into the trash by handfuls. 'Who would have done something like this?'