Chapter 27

(y/n) P.O.V. 1st Person

I walk by the cafeteria, taking in the whiff of food that looms out the doors. It doesn't tempt me though as I already finished eating not long before. A familiar face is headed there and stops in front of me. "Ah, (y/n)-senpai..."

I smile at Toru, "Were you going in to have lunch?"

He stares down at his feet, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Ah, yes... that's right..." 'He's so nervous, how cute.' Oddly enough I'm not feeling as flustered around him as I had when I did it with the others, especially considering it wasn't that long ago. His eyes trail down over my body, his cheeks heating up. He must be remembering it too.

I look for another topic, but I realize I don't really know much about him. And I don't want to bring up anything awkward or resort to the small talk neither of us want to force. "Did you give everything back that you… borrowed from Yuri?" I quickly changed the word stole to borrow to not come off as confrontational. I just don't know what else to talk about.

"Eh…" he looks up at the sky lazily as he seems to be checking. "...almost everything." He doesn't even seem bothered by the question nor feel bad about any of it. It's as if it's the most normal thing in the world to him.

"Really?" I raise my brow at him, "Also, how did you enter his room in the first place? I heard it's on the second floor."

His expression perks up; he actually looks me in the eyes this time. "But his room is always open. He never locks it either." Just like the club room, but it's still dangerous. What is he thinking? "And uh..."

Toru's twiddling with his thumbs beside me. He stares back at his feet, too nervous to say whatever is on his mind. I wrap an arm around his waist and smile at him. "What is it? I'm not that scary, you can tell me," I tease.

"I returned most of Y-yuri's stuff… but I..." He digs his hand into his pocket. "I should probably give you these.." He holds some (f/c) fabric balled up in his fist.

I take them from him, staring at them in confusion before shouting, "My panties?! When did you? Why?!" My voice cracks a bit on the word 'why'.

But his expression stays indifferent except that shade of red across it. "They really relax me, and they... smell nice." He buries his face in his palms. "I'm sorry! I really like you both!"

I'm speechless, at this point I'm not too surprised. I'm the only female here after all, and a crazy number of students here are either bi, straight, or any other form that likes femmes. But I don't understand his obsession with Yuri. Admittedly, I've grown to like him quite a bit myself, and he is well... attractive. I don't really like him in the way this boy seems to, if his kind of love is even normal.

He seems to understand my confusion at his obsession over the pink boy, and so he explains, "I know that he has had sex with a lot of people... but I don't care. I don't mind if the person I love has done it with others, because… it was love at first sight! When I saw him, just as when I saw you, I knew it. It just makes me so happy to see you smile and be happy." He goes on for a long time listing how much he loves us. It's cute: that adorable expression he makes. I used to believe all that love at first sight stuff too. But I had found people weren't as perfect as they seemed when you first met them. And you could find yourself falling for those you despise at first. Love is a funny thing, but I don't know enough about it to really argue with him. "I just love you two so much..." Toru mutters, folding his palms in front of his face. He closes his eyes and is still for a moment, entertaining some happy thoughts.

"Watch out!" I shout out of nowhere as I see Yuri sprint in from behind the boy. In a matter of seconds, he will hit us.

I pull Toru out of the way. "Whooooooaaaahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yuri shouts as he flies into the air, jumping over us. (Extra exclamation points bc he's extra gay.) His toes barely brush a strand of hair sticking up from Toru's head. He lands feet first not far ahead of us as he stretches his hands out dramatically in victory. "Hell yeah!"

"Yuri!!!" Tamura shouts angrily as he runs over here, brushing my side before chasing the pink haired boy in circles around us.

"What are you doing?!" I hiss at them both.

Tamura shouts,flipping one of us off, "That fuck wit ate my bread! I want it back! Puke it back up you pink freak!"

"Y-yuri?" Toru starts, twiddling his thumbs. The two stop fighting, more interested in what they missed than their little problem. "Um, about the other day…"

Yuri put his face up close to Toru's, his features lighting up, "Oooo sex! Sex!"

"Um, I-I..." Toru starts, now blushing redder than ever," I really like you two!" It doesn't take a genius to realize he means Yuri and me. "Can the three of us… um... date and... stuff...?" He stumbles over his words, his voice trembling.

"What?!" I shout, nearly choking on my spit.

Whatever has been keeping Yuri's face so ecstatic has disappeared. He raises his eyebrows at the boy, a little drool hanging out of his mouth. Tamura starts snickering from behind me, to him this is just entertainment like some weird drama.

"Uuuuuhhhhhhhh… U-um… what are you...?" Toru asks as Yuri turns his head this way and that, bringing it closer to the boy then backing up again before returning as he checks the freshman out.

"Which one is best?" Yuri asks him, a smile stretching at his lips.

"Huh?" Toru and I are both confused, but Tamura bursts into uncontrollable laughter. I glare at the blue haired boy. "What is it?" I hiss, but he keeps on laughing.

"Do you like to put it in or bottom?" Yuri makes hand motions with his other hand in a "O" shape that he thrust his fingers in. I immediately get it, but I don't say a word. Toru is still clueless, or so I thought.

"About... what?" Toru asks, but he's clearly blushing. I'm sure he thinks he's the only one who thought that about Yuri's hand motions.

"Having sex~" Yuri smiles, stepping between Toru and I. His hand grabs my and Toru's asses. "When we did it, which did you like more?" He pulls us both close to him, "Come on! Come on! Let's do it again!"

"Um, bu-but... I don't want to… I'm okay just looking... at it.." Toru is a nervous mess.

Yuri clicks his tongue, "Boooring!" He flings his arm off the boy and wraps it around me. He lets them trail up my curves, "Isn't he boooring, (y/n)~?" He cups my breasts, squeezing my buds tightly. I bite on my lip, suddenly feeling a warmth in my core.

"What... was... that...?" I trail, turning to look up at him in awe.

But he had let go without me noticing in order to tease Toru. With the same motion applied to him, Toru's dick immediately springs up in his pants. His cheeks heat up with just as much speed.

Yuri, however, heads off, hands in his pockets as he sings a tune. "I want to kiss kiss~"

Tamura holds his hands at his hips as he lets off a triumphant smirk. "Yuri can turn anyone one simply by squeezing their nipples." Toru's expression is nothing like arousal though, only in pure shock as tears stream down his face. "Ah, gross! He's crying!"

"I think I'm going to the infirmary…" Our kouhai retorts monotonously. I follow him, hugging his arm in an effort to calm him down.

It's a short walk, but it gives him time to get out the tears that won't stop pouring. There's no one around as we step inside. "Th-thank y-you, (y-y/n) f-for sticking b-by m-me." He stutters between sniffles. I can tell he really means it. I just hope he won't take what happened too deeply.

I help him lie down on one of the beds. "You good?" I ask curiously. I let him hug me as his tears soak up the fabric of my shirt.

"He... he hates me..." he sobs, "He d-doesn't l-like me because I-I w-won't do i-it with him right now..." I rub his back, "Y-you don't l-like me either..."

"I didn't ever say that..." I coo.

"Don't lie to me..." he mutters.

"I'm not." I hold his face in my hands, forcing him to look me in the eyes. "I'm just not sure if I really like anyone right now. It's not the same for me, no love at first sight." I let out a laugh, but he doesn't so much as smile. I sigh as I plop down next to him. "It's all so confusing." I clutch my hand at my chest, "When my heart flutters at the way they look at me and tease me. When I feel so good doing it with them and so horrible when I hurt them."

"Love is confusing," he tells me, "and it hurts. It hurts so much."

"It's not love," I argue. "I'd be a jerk to lead them on, not that they would mind. But if I were to choose, would I make the right choice?" I ask no one in particular.

"No," he tells me. "It would never be the wrong choice. Because they all would love you, (y/n). He would love you so much; I would love you so much. And… it's your choice. You choose what makes you happy." He smiles at me. "If you don't believe me you can just date all of us."

"That's crazy!" I tell him, "It's unfair to all of you!"

"Is it selfish that I wish I didn't have to choose and we could all be together? Yuri, you, and I? People do that, don't they? Because love doesn't have to be limited. You can love more than just one person just as you can be loved by more than one." There's a long pause. "I wish I could keep you both to myself. Forget what I said about not minding him doing it with other people. I don't care that he's done it, I just don't like him still doing it with others." His tone is serious but tears trickle down his cheek.

I go to wipe them, but I stumble over my feet and fall on top of him. My lips press against his as he blushes. After realizing what I've done I pull away quickly. "Sorry!"

He frowns at me, eyes trailing to the ground as he speaks. "You already stole my first kiss, now my second too... What more do you want?" I then notice I've landed myself on top of him. I attempt to slide down his body as I part his lips only to seat myself on the uncomfortable bulge in his pants. I blush but make no action to move. His eyes don't leave the floor as he wraps his arms around my waist. "I wouldn't mind a relationship that's only physical if that's what you want, if it's what he wants..." he trails off, "Even if neither of you love me, I'd be happy like that."

He's not too successful as he tries to grind himself against me. But I kiss him again, this time intentionally and more rough. His grip around me tightens as he kisses back. My tongue is allowed entrance and he moans against it as my hand brushes across his erection. I work at his pants, getting his belt undone while his hand is trailing up my thigh. 'I'm a horrible friend, rejecting him when I want him so badly. But if it'll make him feel better, even if he hates me after, I don't care.'

Suddenly, a hand digs through my hair. I first assume it's Toru's but the hand yanks me away from his lips. Instead I look up to see Yuri staring at me with a dissatisfied expression. His lips smash onto mine, but he pulls away when Toru shouts, "Yuri?!"

Yuri goes to say something back, but is interrupted as Tamura shouts, "Hurry up, Yuri! The club meeting is about to start!" The blue haired boy enters the room, "You too, (y/- Oh! Nevermind~" He smirks at me, "Take your time. I'm sure Akemi will understand~"

It's then I'm brought back to reality. "It's fine. I was just about to go anyway." I force myself up and off my kouhai. Yuri has already left, and I glance back at our dear, worried, stalker boy. "I'll see you later," I wink, patting his soft, black head.