Intro (Please Read)

Hi! And thank you for checking out this fanfic :) This is just a brief introduction of me, this fanfic, and how it's progressed. Also some updates to correct anything I say about updates in the other author notes until I get to editing those

The Kink Life started back in April 2020 on Wattpad and very quickly grew in popularity. Within a week or two there were thousands of amazing readers like you reading, commenting, supporting, and engaging with this fanfic. The Kink Life was updated once a week on Saturdays with two chapters being released each time. They weren't always very long, but I always put my best into them and made sure to give my readers consistent updates.

I'd been a huge fan of Yarichin Bitch Club since it first came out, and during the months leading up to when I started publishing this fanfic, I was exploring a lot of ideas I had (mostly erotica) for the series. Plus I'm a major sex nerd, and I was able to use the fanfic with nonfiction bits informing y'all after, and I was so excited to see everyone loving them as well. It was so great to see that we can use storytelling (possibly even film, art, and more) to teach others while providing engaging content. But also the importance of showcasing healthy relationships, conversation around different identities (such as homosexuality, gender identity and expression, a-spec identities, non-monogamy, and more). Many readers expressed how much they enjoyed the story, were learning from it, and it was exciting to see my work impacting people. That I was teaching others something new and even inspiring them to write themselves.

In September of 2020, The Kink Life was banned on Wattpad. This was a big moment for me in both truly becoming a writer and also in that I lost something that meant a lot to me. At the time, I didn't keep backup copies of any of my writing outside of Wattpad. Luckily, a few of my readers could still see it and were a great help. One of them typed up chapters word for word by hand and messaged them to me (there were over 60 chapters published at the time). Another sent me screenshots of chapters that I typed out later. Without their help I'm not sure I'd ever have been able to continue this work. I republished The Kink Life and made backup copies of all my other writing as well. Just in time too, as a week or so later my whole account was banned. I remade an account and reached out to everyone I could and quickly got back into my groove. That's when I decided to start to post some of my writing on Webnovel, Quotev, and Archive of Our Own.

During the summer of 2021 my writing was starting to become bland, empty, and brief. I really struggled to write and found it consuming a lot of my time. I was never really open with my readers about what was going on, but I'd entered into a fairly abusive friendship, though I didn't know it at the time. They often gaslighted and guilt tripped and manipulated me and were also sexually abusing me as well. Once I managed to get out of the friendship (when I moved to my current place of residence), I began full time college, was working three jobs, and thrown into a plethora of busyness. I'm even more busy now, still in college, working six jobs, a club president, and juggling many other hobbies and commitments. I also am navigating a polyamorous relationship and some friendships that take a lot of my time. I started posting a bit more in the summer of 2022 to get back into my groove with a different fanfic, but since then I've been stressed and caught up in two cases in the hopes to take down two separate serial rapists in my state of residence. So I took quite the hiatus and was even failing to check and respond to messages.

As of the end of December 2022, I went to log on only to find out that Wattpad permanently deletes accounts that have been inactive for 6 months. This is both to make you aware as readers and writers but also to tell you the journey I have gone through with this story.

I am the writer some of you may know as Melancholy Sage (aka Melan). I thought it was time I introduce myself a little bit more. In real life, I go by Yash and X. I use all pronouns and am a genderfluid AFAB. I'm a sex favorable aroace (meaning I'm aromantic and asexual but still have and enjoy sex). I'm ambiamorous as well, mostly preferring solo polyamory though. I'm involved a lot in kink and the BDSM community as well as the polyamorous and LGBTQIA+ community. I've been involved in a few different areas of sex work, and plan to one day work legally and more full time as a sex worker while also continuing to write (nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and screenplays), lead research projects in the field of sexology (I'm working on my Bachelor's right now but will need a PhD for that), work as a film director, and as a sexuality educator. I'm neurodivergent (ADHD and autism). I was raised in a cult which I escaped this past year. I'm a polytheist/agnostic atheist, pagan, and witch who also takes a bit from satanism and who worships Lilith predominantly. My hobbies include writing, activism, sketching, embroidery, sewing, cosplay, and I'm getting into drag. Always feel free to message me! I would love to get to know and chat with any and all of you! My door is always open, whether you have a question, request, want to chat about the fanfic or anything else.

All my work will be available on multiple sites to give y'all somewhere to contact me if my account is taken down again. The Kink Life will not be posted on Wattpad to avoid being banned again but some of my other works will be on Wattpad under my username MelancholySageIsBack.

I am making some changes and improving the fanfic as I reupload it. Reader is AFAB and might make her androgynous presenting and use they/them pronouns (considering our gay boys and for inclusivity sake) so that's one change you will be seeing, their sexual orientation is unknown since this is an all male school so we do know they at least like men to some degree be that romantically and/or sexually. Reader-chan starts out as a transfer student in her second year of highschool, her grandfather is the chairman and due to some unfortunate circumstances she has to change to his school. Even though it's an all boys school he lets her through mainly since his word is law there.

I have plans for three volumes, though I took a hiatus into the first volume. I still have so many plans for this series though. Plan to later turn some of this content into a story of my own and will be doing something similar if not making this project into my capstone project for college.

Feel free to make requests. Warning there will be limes and lemons, trigger warning for some sexual assault content. I'll be experimenting with most of the sexual content, so if there's a particular kink, fetish, or really anything you want to see, go right ahead and suggest it. I don't judge, I've got some interesting things myself. If you don't feel comfortable commenting it, you can message me directly and again: I don't judge, it can literally be anything. I'm pretty "open minded" if you get what I mean.

I will not have a set update date with my crazy schedule, but will be working on this series as I can.

I do not own Yarichin Bitch Club or any of the characters in it, this is purely fan made. If you haven't already, make sure to check out the manga, anime, or both. I love both very much :) I'm grateful to the author of this wonderful series!

Also I can't add photos on here, so if you need a reminder of which character is which and want to see photos of OC's I've added check out the Intro on Wattpad under my username MelancholySageIsBack

I am not updating this series on there, but that is available for reference :)