Cook Preparation (Part 1)

"I wonder if there is an electrical plug here for using the electric stove?" Kuso spoke it out in his own mind that led her to spun around the chair where she placed that, and she continued to think.

"How about the wood? But I never cook using fire from the wood before. So I wonder if there is no electrical plug, then can fire from the wood is good enough to heat the food?"

"I could ask Arina for this, but..."

Kuso observed the half-elf with a commoner covered her beautiful feature, sorting the vegetables that the gang of elves had gathered previously. Kuso continued to think as she observed the amount of the vegetables they had gathered.

"Most of them are cauliflower..."

And then, he tried to sort his own thoughts as he said.

"Should I ask her?"

When he stated that, the half-elf twitched her ear, and she asked the goddess.

"What happened, lady Technoknight?"

"Nothing. I wonder if we could heat these vegetables through a flame created by a wood..."

Arina, the half-elf, had looked back to the goddess who had a thinking pose resembling thinking emoji, and she smiled as she said.

"You can. Why not?"

"Eh, really?" The goddess looked at her in a surprised look as she did not know the fact that she could add the wood that stated by the half-elf,

"Yes, you can actually heat even a lump of thick meat by using more woods. Is lady Technoknight tried using wood fire yet for cooking?"

She shook her head in response to her question. To know that Kuso did not know the fact that it was doable, Arina replied to her.

"As expected, the Technoknight. I'm honest that sometimes, I've envied them to be able to invent everything literally to ease their own life. Unlike us, commoners."

When the half-elf had stated those, Kuso could not be able to help but to emphasize them. As someone who had lived in a modern society where everyone was the same in front of the government. She could only shake her head in helplessness as she heard the statement directly from the commoners in Fantasia.

With that, she observed the surrounding, whether if any old wood could be cut. From her perspective, she looked at left and right to check if there is a thick old wood to cut for her to burn it as a flame for the cooking purpose.

But unfortunately, she could not find one, which led her to look at the woods pile that he had gathered earlier and be sorted by the carpenter's brothers.

"Shall we pick some woods from there? I'm not good at picking woods for cooking. But since you have an experience on it, let's learn from each other."

"Great idea." Arina reacted with a blissful smile, and she stood to walk together with Kuso as they walked towards the pile of logs where the brothers had sorted it out, and it was located in front of the cathedral door.

As they arrived there, the goddess looked at the logs' pile as the orc on the left, which was the younger one, stated.

"Ah, lady Technoknight. Thank you for the wood scrapping. It still good to use!"

"It's fine. Proceed with your job." The goddess replied happily to them that led the brothers, nodded with excitement.

And then, she looked at the pile of logs that had been stacked neatly by the brothers with herself, muttered on her mind.

"I wonder how those medieval cook by the wood? Thickest or thinnest? hmm...."

The half-elf who observed the woodpile had pointed to the dark-colored wood located in front of the goddess, asked her to pull the wood out as the half-elf unable to reach it.

"Sorry, lady Technoknight. May you help me to pull that wood which is located in front of you?"

"Which one?" Kuso replied to her in a question to confirm which wood she had referred to. And she said,

"The dark one, lady Technoknight."

"Oh, alright." She replied to her answer promptly as she noticed where was the dark-colored wood that had been mentioned by her. She pulled the wood gently as she remembered how the glass was broken in front of her when she tried the body before. So, she was caring for this time.

The brothers who had seen it asked the goddess.

"Mind us to help you, lady Technoknight?"

She looked at both of them and replied to them with a charming smile,

"You can proceed on your own. I can cope with this myself! Thank you for your attention."

She remembered the day when she was a male programmer. Nobody would ever help her before. Let alone helping, even she remembered that there was a woman who even looked at him mockingly and said.

"I'm paying you, bro. Don't ask me!"

To see those, she was pleased that led her to whisper in her own mind.

"It is such a bliss when someone is willing to help me, huh." And she smiled upon whispering those on her own mind. And she continued to pull the wood gently.

Shruck!! Shruck!!

The wood's voice collided with the other woods as it was piled in one layer after the pile of woods. Continuing to pull it gently, she kept pulling the wood by putting her left hand on the pile on the top of the wood and using her right hand to pull the wood out gently.

Time had passed for a few minutes. And the dark-colored wood had been pulled out with a height as tall as herself. The half-elf was observed the wood size and the length which led her to say.

"We need one more."

Invented Items: 13

Killed Beings: 4

Saved Beings: 0

Thrown items: 3


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any kind of piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Corona will send a calamity to earth if you dare to pirate lord Hartpeler's book!

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