Albedo and Duran: Prologue

"Yes," Kuso answered the system. Then... Her body had started to turn transparent... With the clothes being hidden in the transparent void. And the place had started to rewinding...

All the thing that she had seen was for herself that she had gone up...

The ground of that hole had been covered and then... Everything was rewinding and even there was a man who Kuso questioned the system as she said and pointed the white-haired man who had fighting against the black-masked man.

"Is that Lira?"

"Correct. But that was not the issue we want to talk about... We need to talk about how the story was starting... It was started from this girl..."

The system had shapeshifted into the male version of Kuso. The actual him... Thus, he said,

"I'm Duran. The system name of the technology that Lady Corona ever made... Don't be surprised with our looks. She modeled the system's humanoid based on your past life."