Kuso's Past [First Person]

Without any more delay, he proceeded as he threatened her,

"I won't stay easy here anymore. The first time. I was wanting to unite and help you guys. But, Albedo had explained everything to me about your plot. Well... If you were that nice as you speak. Then I will take a grain of salt of it. But, I have seen something otherwise. Barging attack randomly to my palace, injured my VIP, and then. Massacred the soldiers outside. How about we declare the war today?"

"War? I love it." She licked her mouth passionately. But, Albedo yelled at Duran as she said,

"Don't get trapped to her psychology attack!"

Yes. She was not kidding with that! This bitch has a sheer power of psychology battle. Glad that I'm a software developer who graduated as a psychologist. The one who could read psychology. I mean, I can basically read someone's mind through their movement.