We are friends

She landed another attack again from her shield as she threw it towards the empress. However, she could doge it easily. Of course, under the training of the goddess Corona herself, Reili could be able to grasp it easily as she created the portal in the end of the palace where the sword and shield landed on. 


It was missing straightaway as the sword and the shield had entered that portal. However, Cleopatra mocked Albedo by saying,

"I should not be letting my son be with you. Imagine that a goddess who killed my idol married my son..."


Cleopatra had looked at the ceiling with a surprised expression which led her for unable to react quickly. But...

It was interrupted as someone commanded,

"Goddess Command: Shield!"


The shield and the sword were thrown off away after the shield being initiated which protected. And the woman yelled,

"You shall not do this meaningless att... Eh?"
