Intertwined Fate

#Added Time Data.

"Time Data? What is that?" I asked Albedo which my face was kind of unable to see anything thanks to her massive breast size. She replied to me as she bumped her breast to my face.

"Well... Time data is what I had changed. So you won't face the same thing anymore. Also, I removed the bug hole that I mentioned to you before. Now, you will be able to access my memories from that Time Data. Summon Time Data."

Alright, let me try to summon it,

"Time Data!"

And I got my mind blown when I had seen those. There were three menus that I can access from it. Which listed Horizontally.

#Time Travel. #Memory. #Character Log.

"Character Log?" I asked her which she answered me.

"It's the log of everyone's conversation that you can see and hear it. It's useful just in case of anything you forgot. Now, try time travel. It was fixed by myself in my past."

I commanded,

"Time Travel."