Intertwined Fate (part 1)

"Do note that we were both infertile. Just like how do you build the software, you have the create access right. But you don't have the edit access right. So yeah, she had no choice but to do it. Cause, she won't let you go whatever it takes. So... This is why that I asked for your help. Can you help me for that?"

Realistically said, I may be started to trust her.

But, she's the foe. The one who I just spanked her butt to become a medium rare meat that I can ready to eat anytime. 

Still... If she had bowed in font of me earlier like that. And now even telling her the "truth" that I don't even know if it's a fact or not.

I had to stay aware with everything. There is no way I had to overlook this. 

So, it led me to ask her,

"What I can do to help your sister?"

I asked her about it. But, she didn't reply on me at all. Yet, I can tell that she was not confident when she stated so. Yet, she asked me back instead,