Intertwined fate (part 8)

Oeek!!! Oeek!!!

Where am I?

All I can heard earlier was... A baby voice? 

An innocent yet, newly born baby that led me to ask myself,

"Where am I?"

Yet, nobody answering me in which, I asked myself again.

"Who is that person?"

And then, it was nobody as well as who wanted to answer me. Thus, I asked myself again,

whom the owner of this weird trick like how I experienced in the time traveling? Answer me!

Then, a lady that was cried earlier had shown up... With her fully naked body as I had just noticed that I was naked as well.

"Don't worry, this is the actual mainfestation of the soul and the death."

"Soul and the death?" I asked her as she explained in the next,

"We have a life and death. Yet, if we have dead, then we will unable to see our own clothing and even... our own body. In other means. We had our spirit being pulled out there. And I bet, you know the next."