Intertwined Fate (Part 10)

Both of us were feeling awkward as something was missing out.

"I thought that we would share the pain every time we spanked each other's butts..."

"Speaking in which... Yes... I just realized that..."

"You have three trials that need to be passed, Albedo."

Another naked soul spawned as I felt familiar with that soul...

And yes...

Without a doubt.

It was...


"You don't need to yell that loud, do you?" Anna looked at us and commented unamusingly after we had shouted so. 

But it was my reaction alongside Albedo's as we stopped out of action after seeing her. Then, she looked at me with a serious glance. She looked at Albedo and gave her a sign that she should not need to get her nerves serious as she stated,

"No need to be harsh to me. Kuso knew everything already?"

"Everything?" Albedo asked that lady in which, she replied simply,