Planing (Part 2)

Thus, it piqued my interest which led me to request,

"How about we are talking about this in the empire instead?"

Both of them were looked at me. Thus, the time skipped;

At that place. It was the strategical room with three of us together. In the desk, it was a longass map that would blew everyone up out of mind.

"I don't care what you guys were plotting at. Now, I need to overtake that Seikara Empire as long as I can stop this madness. Now, explain what I had to do for those!"' 

Both of them were silenced with my impatience. Thus, I explained to them what had happened.

"Thanks to both of you. Now Albedo will had to do her stupid trial. 

If we managed to stop this madness all along together. Then she will be able to return and I will ask her for the proper explaination or I won't continue to deal with her anymore!"

Both of them looked at me in a surprised expression with "Bruh" face being drawn in their face.