Seize (Part 2)

Welcome to the City Hall of Seikara Empire. 

We are here, offering the Building on Tender Project, reserved for the overseas entities or the other empires to work with us to build the world into the better place. Thus, we had five projects that we will offer today. And it will had five per day until next week. So, we had total thirty five projects that all of you can bid off!

"Mr. Vip, Mrs. Vip, welcome in. Your place is reserved for yours." The demihuman with a suit welcomed us. The emperor and the empress from the neighborhood empire that planed to buy their most strategical place. 

Thus, we followed them.

And for what I'm seeing.

It was all mostly from the nobles, the rich businessmen. And even that man with the dragon crest who talked about Richeolot Clan.