Kuso vs Taipan (Part 1)

"It's fine, Kuso. You did a right thing. That's why I had prepared it."

As she stated so, a paper that she had bought had been put onto his right hand by her as she gripped his hand gently. 

'I remember how Handi had worked hard to get the girlfriend rental app project to be bid onto us. If I didn't wrongly remembered it...'

He reminisced himself in a scenic when he was wearing a suit. Observing a young orange-haired man in suit who yelled.


'Yes. Buy now is the final option to buy the project right away. But to think it back, buying it now means that I will spend eighty billion cigs. I think I had to discuss with Re...'

"Cox Empire: Buy now!" He yelled right away. 

Another moment of silence again for those who had seen it. 

It was for the second time that Kuso had acquired another project. Which led the Cox empire to become the empire with the most bought project ever.