Kuso vs Childe (Pursuit)


Author warning: 

Heavy amount of dergatory Terms will be used here. So, I will warn you guys for stay calm and read this purely as an entertainment. 


"Audacious? Look at your own citizens. Retard!"

Thus, Childe complimented his braveness to say the dergatory words. Thus, he spoke out of his dark lips,

"Braveness. Indeed, you are the one who Albedo had protected of! Now, Die!"

He kicked Kuso way back. Causing him to get pushed back. In the same time. He threw his shield to the man. 

Knowing the dangerous of the shield. Kuso commanded,

Answer my call. The goddess of war Corona. I, The Butt-Spanking Knight shall borrow your godly power to serve the justice. Bow of Kuso!

A bow appeared in his right hand. RIght away aimed on the shield as the freezing arrow created.

Eyes formed like a snowflake on his pupil, purely white as a snow.