Let me Groom you, Kuso

Skies had broken apart into two, showing the speck of space that pushing the souls to the top.

The souls that came out from the grave, the soul that resided in the final resting place of the soldier.

They were all sent away to the skies, for eternity.

At Lira's point of view, he had seen those in his own eyes.

As a man who was a devout believer of Albedo, the goddess of war called "Corona." He knew it well of how painful as the woman tried to unite the world with her authority.

"Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. Thus, Corona had won it."

Lira knelt as he stared to the skies, gripping his left fist, slam it with his right palm, bowed to the ground with the strong "Brak!" voice heard as his head slammed to the ground.