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Author Warning:

This chapter was created by accident, please skip this and I won't be responsible with everything if you guys had bought this chapter.


Kuso was shocked when the lady had stated so. 

In a meantime, he was thinking if Albedo and his child were safe or not.

"I had both of the kids in my hands. One should be in under Ricky. Another one, is with Albedo. I don't know anymore for what I should..."

"I know how to cross in between earth and other dimension in Kanshera. If, you wants to go with me to the Lake of Seikara."

A silver-haired elf walked out from his back, wearing the modern hoodie jacked as she was under hiding or something.

"For?" Kuso asked her firmly. She just replied to him,

"You can revive another person who will help you. He was buried in the Lake of Seikara, the lake of fallen emperors."