
Chapter 10 - Sexy

"Get off that sexy ass, come and help me in the kitchen Creston," Jenny replied. "Damn spoilt."

"Really Jenny, I had a rough day. Please can I just get the beer?"

"No way in hell I am going to be spoiling you Creston Chin. Why are you men all the same? All wanting to be pampered and weighted on hand foot, then assessing women if we are the right woman to spend the rest of your life with, then you all are out there hunting front from the next available woman or if the woman says no twice, she is frigid and wants to use men?"

"Woman, why do you sound so bitter, use the energy to be tactical in your approach who knows you may snare an unsuspecting man."

"Creston you can be such an asshole sometimes, but at least you are honest about your thoughts."

Jenny the oxtail is the best I ever had. The meat just melts off the bone. You can really cook well. I just saw you as a pretty face and a smooth tongue for making dogs buy fleas, but girl, you have a gift! The carrot juice hit the spot. Wow my tummy is so full all I want to do is to roll over and fall asleep. if I had a bed. I'd hope that when I awake all of this was a nightmare."

"You are welcome Creston "

"It's the one thing that reminds me of my mother's love and real home."

"What's it with you guys, comparing everything to


"Easy Jenny. Just have a son and you will find out when he comes home, hugs you and tells you that no matter what, you are the best mummy and nobody can

compare. That is when you'll understand!"

Oh, I will think about it Creston, but I'm not able to steal a mummy's boy to call my own yet."

"Well Jenny pray and ask, and you will receive. If you get impatient just steal one. Your, cooking alone can hold him and I am sure you can rock his world in the bedroom. All other things will fall into place. However, make sure he is your best friend or else some other girl who is prettier, more deceptive and cunninger will come along , break your heart and steal your man." ,

" So what about love Creston?"

"Jenny, love is an emotion that comes and goes just like anger and happiness. All are cyclical and ebb and flow like the tide. However, a best friend stays loyal like a puppy. Gloria told me once that her love for me is like her beauty. As much as she tries to keep it eventually it fades and I believe her now."

For years she used fear to control me, the fear of failure of not matching up to expectations. The fear of her leaving me. The fear of going through a divorce and the unknown and being separated from her and the children but I am getting over that fear now slowly but surely. So, what if she tells me that I am stupid and a failure. She is but one person out of billions on this earth. Imagine that I have been held prisoner by one woman out of billions. A slave to the invisible yoke that she slipped on my finger and for what, her gratification? I will pay her the money she wants and become free from the oppression of fear of stepping through the doorway."

"Creston your insurance policies have been doing well. You can sustain her at that amount for more than two years without touching the nest egg that I convinced you to put down in your mother's maiden name remember?"

Oh shit. I never even remembered that and guess what, it wasn't even declared in the divorce proceedings. I could kiss you right now Jenny. However, you are a friend, and I can't get involved with anybody right now until my head space is clear. I want to live free, sniff the wind and if I feel to howl at the moon I will howl at the moon with nobody to look over my shoulder to say Creston I expected better from you."

"Please don't tell me that Gloria has created and released a monster on the world Creston Chin?"

"Well Jenny you are safe. Besides, like all good dogs, I know where to come for an excellent meal."

"Be careful not to start running with the pack and start smelling butts and cunts, Creston you may get much worse than fleas."

"Nah Jenny I am a lone wolf. I never liked crowds and excitement. Yes, I may sniff a few cunts, let's face it, unlike you

that was brought up with guidance and the law over your head. Can you imagine a lawyer making it into heaven?"

"Hah hah!" Jenny laughed. "Creston Chin you will behave yourself and if you need to talk I will be right here."

She heard snoring from the living room suite in response as she washed the plate.

Boy oh boy. She shook her head as she gently covered him with a blanket.