Nice Weather We're Having

I swear I was committed to keeping my commitments. First and foremost, priority number one has always been and will always be my outing with Ash. Reminders of it blared me at me like a tumultuous intercom stuck in an infinite loop of 'Don't forget! Don't miss it!' in an overbearingly authoritative voice.

In the grand scheme of things, a date was but a trivial thing of little regard. The thing was, it didn't feel so trivial. It felt almost like the most pivotal appointment of my entire existence. Overexaggerating here, but you get the idea.

I will not miss this date for the world.

So the fact that I stayed dawdling by the front door, feet planted opposite the entrance, staring back into the house just goes to show how monumental her claims really were.

This matter wasn't something I can just shrug off and walk away from, unfortunately. I just gotta know.

"A presence to match Terestra's," I muttered softly, pondering to myself, before resuming, "There's only one other like that, right? You sure it's not my - "

"No," An immediate shutdown. "Your father is a man deserving of a pedestal among the Gods. An aura such as his is not something easily mistaken. It's not Leonardo."

For a second there, there existed that faint glimmer of hope that it really was him. A hope burning so bright only to be dashed so quick.

Thanks, Amelia.

"I'm still ridden with disbelief," Amelia suddenly spoke out, her expression very much affirming her statement. "Two of Kronocia's most powerful, most revered, eloped with one another… bore a child, and that child… with parents of great unmatched heritage… how is it that that child is you?"

Didn't even sound like an attempt at my dignity. Wasn't an insult or a slander in any way whatsoever. She really sounded genuinely at a loss about it, and believe you me, Amelia, I was too.

"Did I mention I have a sister too?" I said, attempting a small sympathizing smile. "You'll love her. She's almost as nice to me as you are."

Amelia, maintaining her glower, rolled her eyes ever so dour. "I pray dearly that she does not share in your traits."

Okay, now that one there was actually a jab at me. Ouch.

Back on topic.

"This presence you're feeling," I continue to pry. "Since when have you started sensing it?"

She answered almost immediately, and kind of impatiently, " I always have been. It's what gave me the impression that Terestra was here in this city. The presence is so similar to hers, I wasn't able to tell them apart. Then, you came along - her offspring, claiming she was never in the city to begin with. That's when my suspicion grew."

The more she spoke, the more my intrigue grew. I looked at the clock - still had time, plenty of time - Amelia continued.

"I confided with the Succubus."

That one actually got me slightly gasping in shock. "You spoke to Irene one-on-one? Like civilized and shit? You didn't try to rip her head off or anything like that?"

"I'm not barbaric."

Now I was rolling my eyes. "Uh-huh… pretty sure my left leg has a thing or two to say about that."

No comment. Amelia moved on. "The Succubus is having me do her work for her. Scrounging the city for any leads. Apparently, her condition renders her unfit for public viewing. The past week, I've been searching - to no avail. Doesn't help that the recurring downpours are a pain to deal with."

"Vampires can't go in the rain?"

"No," She said sharply. "I just hate rain."

If you keep that disdain in your voice for every subject matter that you converse about then everyone would think that you just simply hate everything.

Or is that tone just exclusive when it comes to me?

"Apparently the Succubus thinks the rain correlates with our mystery presence. At least, that's what she told me."

"The weather?" I raised a brow. "Murky forecast… what's that gotta do with the mystery man/girl? It's the rainy season right now."

"She says it's a hunch."

Hunch, huh? I love hunches. Especially when it came to foreboding things. Usually, they're always wrong. I just hope this was the case of the 'usual' here…

"A little off-topic, but I'm surprised you're being awfully cooperative with her," I said. "Far cry from the threats and ultimatums I'm used to hearing."

"Don't be intentionally daft, it's annoying," She snapped. "I'm helping you all, because you helped me. As much as it pains me to admit it, I wouldn't have been able to help my sister if it weren't for your intervention. There - is that what you wanted to hear?"

Had a feeling that was the case. Still, it was still very much gratifying to hear it be spout out from her reluctant lips. Never realized how petty I actually was. Then again, just as her tone was to me, maybe it's just an attitude I adopted exclusively for her.

Also, it seems like both sisters went about paying us back in their own special ways. They were as similar to each other as they were different.

Matriarchs. Terrifying apex predators of the night, huh?

Apparently, the person who wrote their codex entry had forgotten to list their strong sense of integrity when it came to paying back debts they owed.

That doesn't mean all is forgiven though. It was hard to wipe that blood-stained slate clean, especially after what happened.

Moving on…

"So why won't you be able to visit?" I asked. "I doubt a light goose-chase will be able to stop you from seeing your sister."

"Wouldn't call this light," She said, her voice less on aggression and her piercing stare leaning more on towards solemnity.


She didn't answer. For a moment, I thought of course she's gonna be annoyingly ambiguous about it, why wouldn't she be, right? That was until her gaze veered off to the side, a brief second's stare into the vacant distance, before she would speak again.

"Wind's getting heavy…"

Just as the words left her lips, not even a second later, the many loose curtains draping over the living-room window billowed inwards with enough force to detach some of them from their binds, while the remaining left blowing away with the current were in the process of following suit, had the breeze not had gradually lessened in intensity.

The aftermath resulted in some disarray among the more flimsy pieces of furniture strewed about. Toppled lamps, couch cushions slanted at odd angles, even the glass chandelier hanging above swung to and fro like a disco ball on speed.

All in all, it was a scene warranting some concern. A lot of concern, actually. The most glaring of which Amelia took the initiative to most graciously point out -

"Seems your date with the Elf will have to take a raincheck."


"Not over my dead body," I said, finally spurring towards the door handle. "It rains out, not in. We'll stay indoors if it does rain."

"That wouldn't make for a very nice date."

"No offense," I said, pausing, before swinging the door wide open. "But what would you know about dating?"

The opened door allowed the wind to continue breezing through unhindered, there was a heavy gust blowing, whistling past me, howling away. It was loud enough to nearly drown out the faint chuckling that sounded from right behind me.

Amelia's chuckle, very much discernible. The first semblance of emotion I've heard from her that wasn't just downright anger. I gotta admit, it was kinda off-putting in its own way.

"You have a point." She said in a tone verging on amusement. "By all means then, do enjoy your date."

I turned back, wanting to see if a smile came along with the sound of laughter, only to find an empty hallway fronting me with nary a soul in sight. She disappeared, gone like she was never there.

Matriarchs. Masters of deception. Kinda seems like it's just a way for them to be cool and shit with their farewells.

How very dramatic of you, Amelia.
