
The first thing that greeted us upon exiting the shopping complex was the rustling howl of the wind and a seemingly endless horizon of murky grey that diminished almost all daylight in the sky. Now, growing up, I knew of one fact that has always stayed a constant all throughout life - the sun never ever sets until half-past seven.

Gloomy weather begged to differ. From the way things looked, you'd think that perhaps the Sun had decided to clock out early or something, can't really fault anyone for thinking different. Only way you could actually tell that it was still early in the evening was as if you looked at the time itself.

There was a deep rumble in the clouds, one that seriously didn't bode too well for the coming hours ahead. Rain was definitely coming alright… and it'll be coming down hard.

Suddenly I felt myself being thrust back into it, returning again to a mindset of worries, the familiar feeling of unease.

Amelia's words echoed profoundly as much as the reverberating thunder did - if the rain really was not a result of natural causes, and say it was really a formation caused by some mystery person that has yet to be seen, then really…

What was it that they're trying to accomplish here by deluging the city streets with sporadic downpours? What's the heavy rain supposed to mean at all?

And just how deep was I going to get involved in this new rabbit hole that's appeared?

"Master?" Ash's voice was light, carefree even…as it should be, because to her, the rain was just that - only rain. "Should we make haste, or would you rather stand and stare for just a moment longer?"

Hearing her make light jest, especially with an expression that could light the darkest dark that has ever darked, was a very surreal experience to have graced my virgin ears, nonetheless, just as with her shift of demeanor, I wholeheartedly embrace this new sensation with open ears and arms.

"Nope, I'm done with the staring," I said, turning myself to the direction of the sidewalk. "Let us, as you say, make righteous haste… yeah?"

I just wish that I could think that the approaching storm could just be that too… merely a storm.

Thanks, Amelia.

It was another long walk through to reach our location, plenty of time still, needn't rush, so we took our time to smell the flowers and catch up on all the sights.

Contrasting starkly to just a few hours back, Ash has gone from a comment here and there to producing full-on sentences and even chatting away whole paragraphs without even pausing once to restrain herself.

It was like she possessed much more exuberance than she knew what to do with and the only way to funnel them out was through words.

Her favorite topic so far to no one's surprise was her little Initial D moment back at the bumper rally. It was actually quite endearing, not to mention, entertaining, to hear her ramble on to no end about the intricacies of every slight drift and turn she's ever made in the ring.

It helped a bit to stave away my apprehension… but just like the looming grey threat in the sky, they would always continue to linger.

Funny really how the tables have turned so drastically. Now I was the one-comment-here-and-there type and Ash was the chatterbox keeping the conversation at an active pace.

What a complete and total role reversal.

So amusing in fact that I couldn't help but point the sudden switch-a-roo out to her, to which she then inquired with a concerned expression, saying, "You're right, why is that I wonder? Master, could there be something that is possibly troubling you at the moment?"

Briefly, ever so briefly, the urge to simply spill the beans sprouted to mind. But like hell I'm gonna spoil the evening with a bombshell such as that.

So instead, I shook my head, smiled reassuringly, and offered a rather believable explanation for it.

"I'm just hungry."

"Is that so?" Still, a dubious gaze fronted me, apparently my believable explanation wasn't all that believable after all. "Are you sure that perhaps… it is not I that could be the root cause of your change in behavior?"

"What?" I drew my head back. "No, no, no, no, not at all, Ash. I just wanna eat. I mean, how the -? How'd you even get to that conclusion?"

Ash's pace slowed slightly, her smile a sheepish one, veering her gaze to the sidewalk. "My Masters before you, from my own experience, earning their ire is as simple as merely uttering a single word to them. Under them, I know more silence than I do words… but with you, it's - "

"Different, right?" I interjected, delving my hands into my pockets. "I'm not your standard affair. I understand… in your perspective, it's pretty weird, bizarre - what else, it's… uncomfortable?"

"It's nice," She looked at me, her emerald eyes shimmering bright. "Very, very nice…"

"Oh…" Wasn't expecting that. I cleared my throat. "Well, don't go thanking me just yet… still got the rest of the date ahead of us."

"Yes. This date has proven itself worthwhile, after all. I wholeheartedly look forward to the next date we'll be having."

"The next date?"

"Yes, the next date..." Ash said, frowning. "Why, will there not be another?"

Ooo, she went ahead walked herself into that one, completely defenseless as well. The eagerness in tone, the slight hint of worry after a wrong assumption. This does put a smile on my face.

Time to test the waters a bit.

"I didn't say that, no… but, since you brought it up, can I just assume that means you want to go on another date with me?"

All of a sudden Ash was now at a lack for words, how very surprising.

She brushed a strand of loose hair away. "Well… As a servant, I can only - "

"You want to ride on the bumpers cars with me?"

Her ears gave a twitch. "It was certainly - "

"Fun, right? You want to have more fun with me? You want to enjoy yourself more with me? "

A furrow on her brow. "Master, I - !"

"You want it?

And she pursed her lips. "I… Don't you?"

"I'm asking you, Ash."

Round and round we could go on for all eternity, I wasn't dropping the subject till I hear exactly what I wanted, plus, seeing her gradually become more flustered with every second was a big plus. 10/10 would fluster again, or at least until I hear a genuine honest 100% bonafide -

"Yes, I do," Ash sputtered out, wincing, her expression teeming with great reluctance. "I want to… have another date… with you... I suppose."

I was smiling so wide my cheeks were hurting. "Wait, what do you mean you suppose?"

That wince turned into a sulking stare. "Somehow I get the sense that you are deriving some twisted sense of amusement under my expense."

"Hmm, do you also suppose that's true?"

"But you are benevolent with words," She continued. "You wouldn't do that to me, would you now Master?"

"I dunno, Ash," I said, shrugging. "Do you also suppose that I wouldn't?"

Didn't think it was possible to convey complete and absolute disappointment in one fleeting expression, but apparently, when there is an Ash, there is a way.

"Alas," She muttered, sighing away all hopes for the world. "It seems I must stand corrected."

"Oh…" I said, frowning along with her. "You really suppose so?"

Needless to say, the rest of the journey over was accompanied by the occasional reproachful glance thrown my way. It seems as though her resilience to attacks were only exclusive to the physical. She does not do well being teased, didn't even need a bullet for a critical hit.

Some might say that I shouldn't tease her so much, but in my defense, Your Honor - it got her pouting so it was so worth it. Case adjourned.

Besides, any resentment she might still have for me had all but dispersed by the time we reached the restaurant. I've only been to a handful throughout my life, having grown up in the countryside and all, but even I could tell that the building that stood in front of us was in a league of its own.

Middle-class living me was as equally in wonder as Ash was. I had a skim through their website, so I knew what the restaurant looked like, but a couple of panoramas and videos paled in comparison to the real genuine article.

Stained glass adorned every window, each with its own intricate artwork so finely engraved within them. Walls so white you could practically see them shimmer and shine like silver. They even have a doorman employed, complete with his own set of custom-made attire and a pearly-white smile.

I was more of a fast-food experience type of guy, so suddenly getting the first-class treatment before I've even stepped foot into the premises was like stepping into a whole new world of fine-dining that I've never seen before.

Got one employee graciously bowing us in, another one offering to take my blazer off for me, even had one gushing over how perfect Ash and I looked together to which I had to force myself an appreciative smile back otherwise awkwardness would ensue.

Dude, I just want to get to the reservation…

After a few more moments of some discomforting comfort, we finally managed to weasel our way over to the immaculately-looking young lady by a podium. Saw her lead a couple of people to a table a few seconds back, so I can only assume she's in charge of the reservations around here.

So I confronted her, saw her smile the usual smile, and hear her recite the typical, overly cheerful - "Good evening! What can I do for you?"

I smiled back. "We have a reservation,"

"I see. Well, I do hope you'll have a pleasant experience with us. Now, what's the name of your reservation?"

That's when I drew a blank. I realized… only just then… that I did not know the name of the reservation - Ria booked the place, not me. I was, uh… donating blood at that point in time.

Apparently, asking for details after Ria confirmed the booking just flew right by me and now karma's here to righteously bite me in the ass, and for once I'm inclined to agree it was very much deserved.

Then again, shouldn't Ria have told me in the first place? I'm not entirely at fault here, am I?

"Is there something wrong, Master?"

Ash, clinging closely by me, tilted her head in question. If this date ends up as a blunder because of something I did, I'm going to willingly ram myself into the next truck that comes my way.

Hopefully, my newly-reincarnated self would have some semblance of common sense in his new life.

Drawing blanks, I muttered out the first idea that popped into mind. "We're the, uh… five o'clock reservation. Gave a call, yesterday? My phoeni - friend booked it."

The lady had a little writing pad to which she kept by her at all times. I know because she was looking at it right now, muttering names under her breath while throwing the periodic glance my way.

What happened next, even I wasn't so sure about it yet. Suddenly her eyes peeked over at me from her little pad, and from the way her eyes narrowed staring back at my face, it was as if she was doing her best to refrain from speaking out.

Briefly, I wondered why that was. Did something screw up with the reservation? Did it get canceled? Maybe Ria screwed up somehow?

Then the lady's warm smile return and I got my answer. No, nothing was screwed up, reservation didn't get canceled, Ria handled the booking quite well.

Maybe a little too well, if you ask me.

"Reservation under a Mr. I-Heart-Elves Jr. for a table of two, is that right?"

You've any idea how hard it was to maintain a smile like all was well and good?

Very. Very hard.

The reservation lady can vouch for me, cause she had to retain that same smile the whole time too.

"Yep," I said, nodding my head in affirmation. "That's - That's me, alright. Mr. I-heart… whatever."

Ash seemingly decided it best to simply pretend that the last few seconds had not occurred and feigned ignorance on the whole matter, looking up at the glass chandelier like it was the most fascinating thing that ever existed. It'd have worked too if her ears had only stopped floundering about like a fish out of water.

"Very well, then," spoke the lady once more. "This way, if you will follow me, I'd lead you to your seats."

"Wonderful," I said, clasping my hands together. "Simply splendid."

Somehow, somewhere, I could feel a Phoenix gloating and smirking her lips wide, having succeeded in her revenge against the cruel broccoli-giver and was now having her last laugh in the skies on a ploy well done.

Starting tomorrow, it's only vegan for her.

I swear to God.