The Search Continues

It took a while, but eventually, we managed to find Irene loitering around in a random corridor somewhere in the other end of the building. With her, fidgeting uncomfortably in place, was the sound director, looking as if she'd rather be literally anywhere else in the world than standing right there.

By the time we got within earshot, questions had already been asked, and answers had already been given. Little missus, laptop clutched tight, scampered hurriedly away in the opposite direction, and judging by the slight frown on the detective's face, I'm guessing chasing after her did not prove a worthwhile venture in the long run.

"What'd she say?" I asked, slowing myself down to a standstill.

Irene had her hands to her hips, breathing out a weary sigh, staring away at her shrinking figure in the distance. "Nothing relevant, no."

"But she did say something."