Delving Deep Within, Part 2

From the corner of my eyes, gazing upwards to the empty night sky, a nod.

I knew it...

"Will I be aware that I am asleep?"

A nod again, this time harder to see, she crept back slightly.

Putting me to sleep, but I'll be aware that I'm asleep... I can only think of one reason why that was the case.

"Are you going to somehow link our consciousness or something? Put me in her head?"

Just barely in my peripheral sight... I saw, I think I saw... another nod, maybe.

So this was her plan? This was why she needed me here? I'm going to enter Ria's mind and do what exactly? And why me? Shouldn't Irene be better suited for this? She knows her better than I do, doesn't she?!

God - all these questions that I can't ask 'cause you can't speak! Seriously, what's a guy to do?

I -

I'm hearing something, something out of the line with the ambiance. It sounded like a firecracker...

Or a bone snapping out of my place.

Uh oh.