Delving Deep Within, Part 5

One by one, from the flames… even more flaming hair, even more crimson eyes… they looked just as young as Latrissa… some even younger. Different heights, different sizes… girls, boys…

"Latrissa…" spoke one short-haired boy to the right, taking one step forward. "Second time in a month. Mom told you already - "

"I know!" Latrissa impatiently snapped. "But this is different." 

A girl with bangs veiling her eyes timidly approached, cocking her small head at her. "Different, how?"

An impish-looking boy gave a chuckle. "Who's that there? A human? Uh oh... someone's getting in trouble."

The one beside him, a little girl, the smallest of the bunch, was rubbing a pair of heavy eyelids, her only input being a small squeaky yawn.