A Quiet Moment, Part 2

A soft moan.

A heavy gasp.

Eyes closed shut, I followed her sounds. I let her steer me, guide me, I didn't dare resist… I didn't even want to pull away even for a second. Her every move became mine… her every pace backward, my steps forward. 

A softer moan.

A heavier gasp.

I let a hand run freely through her hair… allowed the other to explore, gliding across her every curve… my fingers sank into her thighs, drifting slowly to the slender slopes of her hips - the touch of damp cotton, warm in my hand -  without even thinking it I tugged lightly on her towel, feeling it slightly come lax from between us.

Ash pulled me in again, harder, more forceful this time, I felt. She fell backward, I fell forward.

We landed muffled, we landed soft.