Little Secrets

Sammy spent most of her afternoon acclimatizing to her new living circumstances. 

Since there was a freeloading vampire cooped up in the guestroom that goes into a snarling frenzy at the slightest implication of me wanting her out, it seems I'm going to be bunk-mating with my sister in my bedroom for the foreseeable future.

Surprisingly, Sammy didn't feel the slightest bit inconvenienced by her new living arrangements. We even had a small argument about who takes the spare mattress on the floor. 

"I hope you're not being serious, why would you even suggest I do that? Eww," She said, making a little retching noise at my first mention of the topic. "Who'd want to sleep in the bed you'd already slept in? I don't care if you change the sheets how many times, the floor is mine, you hear? Keep your bed, throw it, burn it, do whatever with it - just don't expect me to sleep in it."