Couple (of) Pointers

The last time I think I walked through these automatic sliding doors, felt the gust of cool filtered air breezing down my hair, was probably with my first official date with Ash. 

Oh yes, our date… racing on bumper cars, and having dinner with the mob. Felt so long ago now looking back, and as bizarre as it sounds, it was probably the least bizarre thing to ever happen to me especially when accounting for what other hijinks I've been intrinsically involved with immediately right after.

Being here with Ash, simply just browsing through endless catalogs of stuff, and answering her curiosity-coated questions about those said stuff was like a huge blast to the past where it was just her and I together. Fun times, those times…

That's actually one of the only things that haven't changed between the then and the now - Ash's endless fascination and awe of the modern world's vast array of commodities.